Consumer Protection Act - Finlex

Consumer Protection Act - Finlex

Consumer Protection Act - Finlex


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Section 12(1) The consumer shall have the right to pay the consumer credit before it matures.(2) If the consumer pays the credit before maturity, a deduction shall be made fromthe remaining receivables of the creditor for the portion of the credit costs thatconcerns the period of credit that shall not be used. If the costs arising from theestablishment of the credit relationship have been specified in the agreement andthey are not unreasonable, the creditor may collect them in full.(3) If the consumer pays a credit payable in instalments on another date than thedue date, the period of credit that shall not be used shall be calculated as fromthe first due date following the payment.(4) The creditor may charge a compensation for premature payment of the credit ifthe amount of the credit granted exceeds FIM 100,000 and if the interest rate onthe credit is fixed or if the period for the determination of the reference interestrate is at least three years and if the interest rate of a corresponding new creditoffered by the same creditor at the time of repayment is lower than the interestrate agreed upon. The maximum compensation that may be collected shall be thedifference between the interest agreed upon and the corresponding credit withfixed interest for the remaining credit period or the period for the determinationof the reference interest rate. (85/1993).Section 13(1) Where a consumer has the right to withhold payment or to receive a refund,compensation or another money payment from the seller or the service provideron the basis of a breach of contract of the latter, this right shall apply also inrespect of the creditor who has financed the purchase or service. However, thecreditor shall not be liable to pay to the consumer more than what he receivedfrom the latter as payment.(2) If the seller repossesses the purchased goods or if the sale is otherwise cancelledby agreement between seller and consumer, the consumer may invoke theaccounting of the repossession or cancellation of the sale also against thecreditor who has financed the sale. However, the consumer shall not have thisright if:(1) the creditor has, in good time and in a clear manner, notified the consumerthat the seller does not have the right of repossess the goods or any otherright to dispose of the agreement and, in case the subject-matter of the sale43

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