Dec 2010 - South Worcestershire Development Plan

Dec 2010 - South Worcestershire Development Plan

Dec 2010 - South Worcestershire Development Plan


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SOUTH WORCESTERSHIRE ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT <strong>2010</strong>180last 12 years) gains out weigh the losses of employment land. Much of the 26ha of employment land lost over this period has been developed for residentialuse and is realistically unrecoverable for employment uses. Thereforerealistically the targets of both the Structure <strong>Plan</strong> and the RSS may need to beadjusted to correspond to the high level of losses experienced.Worcester has a total of 121,000m 2 retail floor space within the CentralShopping Area, major shopping complexes include Crown Gate (26,000m 2 ),Reindeer Court (3,720m 2 ) and Cathedral Plaza (23,225 m 2 ). There have beenno significant changes to floor space within the monitoring year.The annual count of vacant shop units at the end of the monitoring periodshowed an increase of five dwellings on top of the 18 unit increase experiencedlast year, it is unclear whether the situation will improve within the nextmonitoring period.

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