Dec 2010 - South Worcestershire Development Plan

Dec 2010 - South Worcestershire Development Plan

Dec 2010 - South Worcestershire Development Plan


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SOUTH WORCESTERSHIRE ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT <strong>2010</strong>2067.0 PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT7.1 Flood ProtectionThe table below demonstrates applications where the Environment Agency madeobjections to development due to flood defence grounds, and the subsequent planningdecisions. Where an application has been approved following an objection from theEnvironment Agency, various conditions have been used that will prevent flooding ofand arising from, the proposed development.The Local Authority is showing evidence of more effective working with the EnvironmentAgency in not allowing the granting of any applications contrary to their advice. Duringthe monitoring year only one application received an Environment Agency objection andthis is still awaiting further details and a decision. During the previous monitoring yearthere were 7 objections received. The marked drop in objections indicates that planningOfficers are working closely with the Environment Agency at the pre-application stage,particularly with the introduction of the Water Management SPD in October 2009. Insummary, Environment Agency advice is taken on board and is a major factor in theplanning decision.Table 67: Environment Agency objections to planning applications on floodrisk grounds 2009 / <strong>2010</strong>10.0 Application TypeReason for EAObjectionOutcomeFurtherinformationW/09/02253MinorResidentialDischarge ofcondition 4 – theapplicants need toprovide a safe drypedestrian accesshas beensubmitted totheEnvironmentAgency anda responseis awaitedThere were no objections received from the EA on water quality grounds during themonitoring period.<strong>Plan</strong>ning Services Service Delivery <strong>Plan</strong> 2009 / <strong>2010</strong>Key Objective – Publish a Water Management SPD for new developments• This was adopted in October 2009

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