Dec 2010 - South Worcestershire Development Plan

Dec 2010 - South Worcestershire Development Plan

Dec 2010 - South Worcestershire Development Plan


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SOUTH WORCESTERSHIRE ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT <strong>2010</strong>210Policy COM 12Proposals for new residential development of 5 dwellings or more will be required toprovide public open space (POS) where the adopted standard or assessed standardindicates a deficiency of provision in the local area.Where on-site provision is not appropriate, financial contributions will be sought toprovide new or enhance existing provision according to local circumstances.The long-term maintenance of such facilities may be met by a lump sum paymentsecured by means of condition or by legal agreement as appropriate.16 planning applications in 2009 / <strong>2010</strong> were required to provide financial contributionstoward the provision / enhancement of POS through S106 agreements. This resulted ina total sum of £578,601 to be used to improve facilities. In addition to this, Wychavonare actively encouraging the use of POS throughout the District and many moredevelopment schemes will have provided on-site POS in addition to off-sitecontributions.Community Strategy 2007 / <strong>2010</strong>Improve activities / facilities for young people• Droitwich Youth Centre opened and the Youth Zone bus isavailable for use in rural villagesIncrease sporting and cultural facilities and activities• Evesham Leisure Centre opened and Pershore Abbey Parkawarded a Green Flag AwardWychavon’s Overall Vision and Promises 2009 / <strong>2010</strong>Open a youth zone in Droitwich and take new youth bus out to villages.Support four improved play area facilities across Wychavon – achievedBroadway, Hinton on the Green, North and Middle Littleton9.0 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY9.1 Business <strong>Development</strong>The Regeneration team continues to receive enquiries for land and premises from startup businesses and those seeking to expand and re-locate. Enquiries are received bydirect contact and also via <strong>Worcestershire</strong>’s Property Service co-ordinated on behalf ofthe County and districts by the Chamber of Commerce Herefordshire and<strong>Worcestershire</strong> who maintain the property database. In recent years an increasingnumber of enquiries are via the internet.The challenge is finding appropriate sites for some businesses from the currentemployment land supply. There is a shortage of Greenfield sites with good roadtransport links for larger employers who want to remain in the district, and freeholdopportunities are at a premium. Of the districts premier employment sites Stonebridge

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