General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley


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CHAPTER 8 – HOUSING8.6.3 Mobilehome ParksMobilehome parks are allowed in anyresidential zone with a conditional usepermit. This allows for maximum designflexibility. There are no establishedstandards for the design of mobilehomespaces, however, as part of the HousingElement analysis, the City has as one of itsgoals, to establish development standardsfor mobilehome parks and mobilehonesubdivisions. Perhaps the establishment ofspecific standards may encourage suchdevelopment, however, practically speaking,no inquiries for new mobilehome parks havebeen received in recent years.Currently, mobilehome parks must be largeenough to allow for professionalmanagement and a decent livingenvironment and each mobilehome parkMORENO VALLEY GENERAL PLANmust include a minimum of 5 acres andrecreational amenities for the tenants. Itwould not be financially advantageous todevelop mobilehome parks on land zonedfor multifamily housing since you could notachieve the higher density given the singlestory nature of the units. Accordingly, itwould not be financially feasible to developmobilehome parks in residentialdesignations lower than R5. In Table 8-28a total 670 R-5 vacant acres in fifty-nineparcels ranging in size from five acres tothirty-five are adequate in both size andzoning for development of mobilehomeparks. It is important to note that the City of<strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> does not have oversight ofthe operation of mobilehome parks; theState Department of Housing andCommunity Development has oversight ofall mobilehome parks in the city.TABLE 8-26ZoningDesignationSites Available Through Appropriate ZoningFor Mobilehome ParksNumber ofUnits 1Density(Units/Acre)Vacant inAcresNumber of Parcels5 Acres and LargerR5 2 4 670 2,144 591 Units calculated at 80% of the total density capacity and reflect typical historical development patterns in the City.2R-5 acreage in specific plans is not included. It is assumed that in specific plans, development of R5 acreage wouldfollow the predominant development pattern.8.6.4 Manufactured HomesManufactured homes are allowed onindividual lots of 7,200 square feet or morein area. Manufactured homes on individuallots are subject to the same designguidelines as conventional homes. Therehas been no expressed interest in providingmanufactured housing on individual lots ofless than 7,200 square feet in <strong>Moreno</strong><strong>Valley</strong>. Based on the City’s inventory ofvacant sites, there is a total 4,319 acres ofappropriately zoned land that couldpotentially develop as manufacturedhousing, resulting in a possible 5,105 units.Vacant land in Specific <strong>Plan</strong>s in which thepredominant development is stick-builthousing has not been included in theinventory since it is unlikely thatmanufactured housing would likely developgiven the constraints of the <strong>Plan</strong> and theexisting development pattern.Page 8-51 July 11, 2006

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