General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley


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CHAPTER 9 – GOALS AND OBJECTIVESMORENO VALLEY GENERAL PLAN9.0 INTRODUCTIONThe <strong>General</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> is an expression of thecommunity’s vision for the physical, social,cultural and economic development of<strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>. It supports the City Council’svision for creating a positive future for <strong>Moreno</strong><strong>Valley</strong>. Goals are general expressions ofconditions that the City would like to attain.Objectives are specific conditions that theCity would like to achieve. Policies areprinciples or guidelines intended to directfuture activities and decisions in order toachieve the goals and objectives. Programsare plans of action to implement or advancethe goals, objectives and policies.9.1 ULTIMATE GOALSVI. Enjoys a circulation system thatfosters traffic safety and the efficientmovement of motor vehicles,bicycles and pedestrians.VII. Emphasizes public health and safety,including, but not limited to, police,fire, emergency and animal servicesand protection from floods and otherhazards.VIII. Recognizes the need to conservenatural resources whileaccommodating growth anddevelopment.The ultimate goals of the City of <strong>Moreno</strong><strong>Valley</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> are to achieve acommunity which:I. Exhibits an orderly and balancedland use pattern that accommodatesa range of residential, cultural,recreational, business andemployment opportunities.II.III.Is clean, attractive and free of blightand deteriorated conditions.Provides public services and publicfacilities that are needed anddesired by the community, including,but not limited to, a library(s) andlibrary services.IV. Enjoys a healthy economic climatethat benefits both residents andbusinesses.V. Provides recreational amenities,recreation services and open space,including, but not limited to, parks,multi-use trails, community centersand open space.Page 9-1 July 11, 2006

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