General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley


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CHAPTER 5 – CIRCULATIONMORENO VALLEY GENERAL PLANpolicies to be followed by responsibleagencies within the County to achieve aviable ITS infrastructure that improvesmobility and enhances safety. Nine coreITS components have been identified byRCTC. These components include trafficsignal control, transit management, incidentmanagement, electronic fare payment,electronic toll collection, railroad gradecrossings, emergency managementservices and regional multimodal travelerinformation.The City should encourage the integrationof Intelligent Transportation Systemsconsistent with the principles andrecommendations referenced in the InlandEmpire ITS Strategic <strong>Plan</strong> as thetransportation system is implemented.5.3.5 Transportation DemandManagementTransportation demand management (TDM)strategies reduce dependence on thesingle-occupant vehicle, and increase theability of the existing transportation systemto carry more people. The goal of TDM is toreduce single occupant vehicle trips duringpeak hours and modify the vehiculardemand for travel.A reduction in peak hour trips and adecrease in non-attainment pollutants canbe achieved through the implementation ofTDM strategies. Examples of the strategiesinclude: carpooling, telecommuting, flexiblework hours, and electronic commerce thatenables people to work and shop fromhome.In the last decade, the region's number oftrips and amount of travel has grown at afaster rate than the population growth. TDMstrategies are designed to counter thistrend. The region cannot build its way outof congestion; it has neither the financialresources nor the willingness to bear theenvironmental impacts of such a strategy.TDM is one of the many approaches thatwill be used to maintain mobility and accessas the region continues to grow andprosper.5.3.6 FundingNew developments are responsible forparticipation in Transportation UniformMitigation Fee Program (TUMF) and theDevelopment Impact Fee Program (DIF). Inmany cases, individual developments will beable to dedicate right-of-way and/orconstruct improvements that are part of theTUMF and DIF programs in lieu of payingfees.Page 5-9 July 11, 2006

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