General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley


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CHAPTER 8 – HOUSINGMORENO VALLEY GENERAL PLANThe loss in jobs throughout SouthernCalifornia and the downsizing of the basecombined to drive real estate valuesdownward. Building activity, which hadfueled the city’s growth during the 1980’s,plunged. In the six years between 1986 and1991, a total of 15,756 single and multifamilypermits were issued. In the yearsbetween 1992 and 1997, a total of 1,562single and multi-family permits were issued,a 90% decrease in permit activity.• Preserve and revitalize the City’sexisting older housing stock, whilemaintaining and increasing itsaffordability to low and moderate incomehouseholds and• Encourage the development of newhousing affordable to a range of incomelevels in <strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>.• Provide housing for special needspopulations in the City.Appropriateness of the Housing ElementGoals and Policies Table 8-24 lists the programs in the 1991It was in the context of significant economicretrenchment that the City of <strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>was charged with adding 17,741 units to thehousing stock in order to meet its share ofthe Regional Housing Needs Assessment.It was also within the framework of ashrinking economic base that the City hadto expand housing opportunities even whilethe private sector was withdrawing fromnew construction activity.Given the economic realities, the City’shousing programs adapted and focused ongoals that would allow the City to movetoward the fulfillment of its housing elementcommitments. It is in the spirit of thesepragmatic goals that the variouspolicies/programs of the housing elementhave been put into practice. These goalsare to:Adopted Housing Element, theimplementation timeline for each programand the responsible department or divisionat the City for program implementation, aswell as the funding source for eachprogram.In the following section, the housingelement programs are restated, an updateof the progress made towardimplementation of each program is providedand where applicable, quantifiable resultsare presented.The City has worked diligently to meet thestated goals of its housing element andgiven the constraints of the region’seconomic reality, <strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>’sachievements are significant.Page 8-83 July 11, 2006

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