General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley


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CHAPTER 6 – SAFETYmeasures must be taken to reduce thepotential life safety and monetaryconsequences of these types of fires.6.2.9 Smoke DetectorsSmoke detectors are proven life savers andcan also significantly reduce fire losses. Allnew or remodeled residential dwelling unitswill have detectors installed duringconstruction as required by Title 19 & Automatic Fire SuppressionSystemsRequirements for use of automatic sprinklersystems in new and existing structures isthe single most important action that can betaken to control future demand for fireprotection services, and to reduce firelosses. Insurance costs can be significantlyreduced through the use of such systems,e.g., up to 15% for residences and from 50-80% for commercial/industrial occupancies.Numerous studies have proven thetremendous value of automatic systems.For example a study of 117 fires showedthat "there might have been approximately a90 per cent reduction in both lives lost andinjuries sustained if fire protection systemshad been installed. Also, property losseswould have been decreased by a factor ofabout three with the automatic smokedetector system, by a factor of about fourwith the monitored alarm system, and by afactor of about seven with the suppressionsystem." The water damage resulting fromthe presence of a sprinkler system is lessthan 1% of the fire damage that would haveresulted (from a fire) if the sprinkler systemhad not been present.6.2.11 Inspection and EnforcementIn addition to reducing fires and fire losses,a proactive inspection and enforcementprogram will directly benefit business evenwithout the occurrence of fire. Business fireinsurance premiums can be increased by upMORENO VALLEY GENERAL PLANto 150% if fire code violations are identifiedand not corrected, and premium reductionscan be cancelled if sprinkler systems arenot inspected and maintained.State regulated occupancies must beinspected annually (Licensed CareFacilities, and schools) as required byCalifornia statute. All other occupanciesshould be inspected on an annual basis.A fire permit program as prescribed by theCalifornia Fire Code provides themechanism to maintain fire and life safetywithin buildings that have conditionshazardous to life or property. Theseinspections need to be done by trained fireprevention personnel as these inspectionsrequire a higher level of knowledge.Hazardous materials, flammable andcombustible liquids, and high piled storage,are just a few examples of the hazardousconditions that may be encountered inside abuilding.Fire Services conducts safety inspections ofbusinesses with fire engine companypersonnel and Fire Prevention Bureaupersonnel for specialized inspections.6.2.12 Public EducationThe Fire Protection Services Master <strong>Plan</strong>includes an objective for all residents overthe age of six to receive basic fire safetyeducation. Public education covering fireand life safety, and emergency medicalissues is considered to be the foundation ofa community fire protection/emergencymedical program. Such a program,especially if started at the school level,could produce numerous benefits, including:1) Creating an awareness of firedanger.2) Establishing a skill level amongcitizens that permits individuals totake appropriate immediate action inPage 6-11 July 11, 2006

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