General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley


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CHAPTER 10 – GLOSSARYthe pipelines, wires, equipment and facilitiesnecessary to provide water, sewer, gas,electric and communication services.Land UseThe nature and purpose for which a parcel orstructure is occupiedLandscaping<strong>Plan</strong>ts and ground covers introduced toenhance a property, plus any original landfeatures and vegetation that may have beenpreserved on-siteMultiple-family HousingExcept for granny units and second units,housing consisting of two or more dwellingunits per parcel This definition includescondominiums, mobile home parks, duplexesand apartments.MinimizeTo reduce, but not necessarily eliminateMitigateTo eliminate or reduce the magnitude of anadverse effectObjectiveA specific condition that the City would like toachieveOpen SpaceLand that is planned to remain in a naturalcondition or substantially free of structuresPolicyA principle or guideline intended to directfuture activities and decisionsMORENO VALLEY GENERAL PLANcultural facilities, fire stations and policestationsRight-of-wayA strip of land on which a right of passagehas been recorded, such as a street right-ofwaySecond UnitA dwelling unit that is accessory to a primarysingle-family house located on the sameparcelSpecific <strong>Plan</strong>A detailed plan for a defined geographic areathat specifies zoning of land uses, theinfrastructure and facilities needed to supportthose land uses and a plan forimplementationSingle-family HousingHousing consisting of one dwelling unit perparcel; or one dwelling unit plus either agranny unit or second unit on the same parcelSphere of InfluenceThe ultimate boundaries of a city or otherlocal agency approved by the Local AgencyFormation CommissionSubdivisionThe division of land into defined lots that canbe legally conveyed by sale or leaseZoningA system of land use regulation that divides acity or county into areas and establishes theallowable uses and standards fordevelopment within each areaProgramA plan of action to implement or advance agoal, objective or policyPublic FacilitiesPublic improvements and amenities,including, but not limited to, roads, bridges,traffic signals, street lights, drainage facilities,trails, parks, recreation buildings,administrative buildings, city yards, libraries,Page 9-2 July 11, 2006

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