General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley


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CHAPTER 8 – HOUSING8.6.16 Procedures for EnsuringReasonable AccommodationsHouseholds with disabled members canaccess the City of <strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> viatelephone, the internet, via United Statesmail, visit City Hall, as well as the City'saccessible city planning commission/councilchambers.Requests for special accommodations orvariances due to needs related to ahousehold's disability can be made bymeans of provisions in the City of <strong>Moreno</strong><strong>Valley</strong>'s Development Code. Provisions inthe Development Code ensure thatreasonable accommodations are obtainablefor persons with disabilities.8.6.17 Variance Permit ProcedureThe purpose of the administrative varianceis to allow adjustments to provisions of thedevelopment code in order to preventunnecessary hardships that might resultfrom a strict or literal interpretation andenforcement of certain regulations.Requests for variance from certain types ofzoning regulations or conditions of approvalmay be approved, conditionally approved,or denied by the community developmentdirector without the necessity of a publichearing.Administrative variances of ten percent ofless may be granted over the applicablestandard for setbacks, lot coverage, parkingand building height. An administrativevariance of one foot or less may be grantedfor fence heights.The following is a summary of theadministrative variance process:1. Prepare and submit application. Theapplicant prepares plans, maps and othermaterials necessary to review the projectand submits the application to the <strong>Plan</strong>ningDivision, along with the processing fee ofMORENO VALLEY GENERAL PLAN$316.00. A 25% fee reduction is applicablefor non-profit entities.2. Receive application. The <strong>Plan</strong>ningDivision reviews the materials submittedas part of the application. If the submittalis complete, it is forwarded to thecommunity development director.3. Process application. The <strong>Plan</strong>ningDivision processes the application incoordination with other departments andagencies as necessary. Processingnormally includes:1. The community developmentdirector, makes the required findingsprior to approving an application foran administrative variance:a. That the strict or literalinterpretation and enforcementof the specified regulation wouldresult in practical difficulty orunnecessary physical hardship;b. That there are exceptionalcircumstances or conditionsapplicable to the propertyinvolved or to the intended useof the property that do not applygenerally to other properties inthe same district;c. That strict or literal interpretationand enforcement of the specifiedregulation would resultimpractical difficulty orunnecessary physical hardship;d. That the granting of theadministrative variance will notconstitute a grant of specialprivilege inconsistent with thelimitations on other propertiesclassified in the same district,and will not be detrimental to thepublic health, safety or welfare,ore materially injurious toPage 8-64 July 11, 2006

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