General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley

General Plan - Moreno Valley


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CHAPTER 9 – GOALS AND OBJECTIVESand employers of <strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>.5.8.2 Support the efforts of the March JointPowers Authority in its pursuit of aTransit Center5.8.3 Encourage public transportationopportunities that address theparticular needs of transit dependentindividuals in the City such as seniorcitizens, the disabled and low -incomeresidents.5.8.4 Ensure that all new developmentsmake adequate provision for busstops and turnout areas for bothpublic transit and school bus service.5.8.5 Continue on-going coordination withtransit authorities toward theexpansion of transit facilities intonewly developed areas.Objective 5.9Support and encourage development of safe,efficient and aesthetic pedestrian facilities.Policies:5.9.1 Encourage walking as an alternativeto single occupancy vehicle travel,and help ensure the safety of thepedestrian as follows:(a) All new developments shallprovide sidewalks in conformancewith the City’s streets crosssectionstandards, and applicablepolicies for designated urban andrural areas.(b) The City shall actively pursuefunding for the infill of sidewalks indeveloped areas. The highestpriority shall be to providesidewalks on designated schoolroutes.5.9.2 Walkways shall be designed toMORENO VALLEY GENERAL PLANminimize conflicts between vehiclesand pedestrians.5.9.3 Where appropriate, provide amenitiessuch as, but not limited to, enhancedpaving, seating, and landscaping toenhance the pedestrian experience.5.9.4 Require the provision of convenientand safe pedestrian access tobuildings from the public sidewalk.Objective 5.10Encourage bicycling as an alternative tosingle occupant vehicle travel for the purposeof reducing fuel consumption, trafficcongestion, and air pollution. The <strong>Moreno</strong>Bikeway <strong>Plan</strong> is shown in Figure 9-4.Policies:5.10.1 Bikeways shall link residentialneighborhood areas with parks,employment centers, civic andcommercial areas, and schools.5.10.2 Integrate bikeways, consistent withthe Bikeway <strong>Plan</strong>, with the circulationsystem and maintain Class II and IIIbikeways as part of the City's streetsystem.5.10.3 Support bicycle safety programs, andactive enforcement of laws relating tothe safe operation of bicycles on Citystreets.5.10.4 Link local bikeways with existing andplanned regional bikeways.Objective 5.11Eliminate obstructions that impede safemovement of vehicles, bicyclists, andpedestrians.Policies:5.11.1 Landscaping adjacent to City streets,Page 9-22 July 11, 2006

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