General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

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School of Holistic StudiesMA in Transformative ArtsThe process of artistic growth and expression offers powerful toolsfor human transformation. Through this degree program, studentsuse their own experience as creative artists to develop a techniqueor project for positive community interaction. The programcombines philosophical, academic, personal growth, and creativework.Through their choice of electives, students explore and grow intheir area of special interest. Although individual artwork is anessential core of the program, students in transformative arts arenot primarily concerned with the critique or exhibition of theirartwork. Instead, they learn to use the insights gained through theartistic process to serve the world as transformative teachers andhealers. Although the MA in Transformative Arts does not offerany professional certification, it is possible for students to articulatetheir study in transformative arts with the teaching credentialprogram offered through the JFK <strong>University</strong> School of Educationand Liberal Arts. Completion of the teacher credential programrequires at least one additional year of study. Details of this procedureare available from department staff.Each student creates a unique way of using art as a healing forcein the world. Specific coursework addresses the practical applicationsof creativity through group and individual work. This degreeculminates with a community arts project in which the studentapplies the information and understanding gained in the program.A final paper is then submitted in which the community project isdiscussed and examined within the context of both the student’spersonal experience of the creative process and the academicmaterial related to the activity.Program Learning Outcomes• Skill. Demonstration of technical and formal skills associatedwith creative activity. Clear understanding and competence inat least three artistic media.• Cultural competence. Integration of cultural conceptsfrom multiple sources and awareness of cultural pluralism.Familiarity with cultural perspectives appropriate to workin contemporary society and cultural differences whichinfluence creative self-expression and personal growth.• Creative process. Demonstrated awareness of creativepotential and modalities of expression available to groups.Relationship between creativity and group dynamics aswell as links between individual creative process anddevelopment of pedagogical structures for creative workwith others. Demonstrated commitment to ongoing, selfdirected,creative activity which informs and inspirescommunity activity.• Professional practice. Ability to inspire and encourageothers in the creative process. Competence in all professionalpractices associated with the candidate’s chosen career pathin the arts. Awareness of potential venues for developingindividual approaches to creativity in the community.• Academic competence. Knowledge of contemporary andhistorical philosophical foundations for art as healingand social intervention. Demonstration of competentawareness of contemporary philosophical and psychologicalprinciples related to candidate’s creative work and communityactivity. Demonstration of ability to research and analyzecreative activities using APA style and accepted forms ofacademic writing.• Spirituality and personal transformation. Demonstratedawareness of links between inner and outer realities. Evidenceof substantial personal and spiritual growth as a result ofcreative self-expression. Articulation of links betweenpersonal creative experience and spiritual awareness.Admission RequirementsApplicants to the MA degree in Transformative Arts have oftenbeen admitted with undergraduate degrees in areas other than art.Students enter from the humanities and the sciences as well asfrom backgrounds in the arts.The department of Arts & Consciousness admits students to theMA program in fall or spring quarters.An undergraduate degree in art is not required for admission tothe MA in Transformative Arts program. However, it is essentialthat students have some previous background in the arts.Applicants to the MA in Transformative Arts program mustcomplete at least six units of work in studio art, musical composition,poetry, or another primary art form. Applicants must alsocomplete a survey of art history course.In addition to the university and school-based admissionrequirements (listed previously), applicants to this program mustsubmit an artist’s statement addressing the applicant’s artisticdevelopment and goals. This may be included in the personalstatement. Applicants must also submit a portfolio of originalartwork which may be submitted in person during an admissionsinterview. Slides, VHS cassette, audio cassette, or CD/DVD areacceptable. Portfolios may include artwork in non-visual media,e.g., poetry, dance and movement, or writing.School ofHolistic Studies<strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong>School of Holistic Studies 101

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