General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

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Graduate School of Professional PsychologyPSO _____________________________________________________________________5423 Crafting the Coaching Relationship 2Focuses on meeting professional standards including understandingthe distinctions between coaching and other relatedprofessions, setting up the coach/client relationship, establishingtrust and intimacy with the client, and developing a coachingpresence. Students discuss and practice ways to create and maintainthe coaching relationship based on understanding diversity,mutual respect, and trust and established ethical guidelinesincluding confidentiality.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5424 Coaching Practicum A 1During practicum, students will practice coaching techniquestaking into consideration issues of power, trust, confidentiality,boundaries, and setting an appropriate arena for the coachingrelationship. Students will practice the co-active coaching modelin their coaching. Co-requisite: PSO 5423.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5425 Communicating in Coaching 2During this course, students will practice communication skillsfor effective coaching. Active listening includes hearing the client’sconcerns and goals, paraphrasing, and accepting expression offeelings and perceptions. The skill of powerful questioning opensthe client’s perspective to challenge self-limiting assumptionsand hidden talents. Direct communication is the ability tocommunicate effectively understanding the diversity issues.Prerequisite: PSO 5423. Co-requisite: PSO 5426.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5426 Coaching Practicum B 2Students will practice communication skills such as listening,inquiry, and advocacy. Students practice two new models—domains of competence and four quadrants. Co-requisite:PSO 5425.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5427 Facilitating Learning and Results 2Students will learn the skills necessary to successfully facilitateclients’ learning, goal achievement, and desired outcomes andresults. Course content includes discussion and practice inevaluating client needs from diversity perspective, developing aneffective coaching plan, setting and achieving agreed-on results,managing progress, and maintaining accountability. Prerequisite:PSO 5425. Co-requisite: PSO 5428.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5428 Coaching Practicum C 2Students will practice relevant coaching skills such as creatingawareness, designing actions, planning and goal setting, andmanaging progress and accountability. Students practice in-themomentcoaching model. Co-requisite: PSO 5427.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5430 Paradigms of Coaching 2Explores methods of coaching from the conceptual level ofparadigms or worldviews. Most coaching is taught from a singleperspective and from the conceptual level of technique and practice.By comparing and understanding paradigms, coaches havemore flexibility to select appropriate interventions to meet theclient’s needs. Students review all coaching models in the programand decide on their signature presence in coaching.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5432 Leadership Development 3Examines models of leadership development including coaching,mentoring, training, succession planning, and 360° feedback.Considers the relationship of character development, leadership,and ethical organizational responsibility.PSO 5434 Coaching Practicum D:Advanced _____________________________________________________________________Coaching Internship 2This course continues students’ supervised work with clients.Students work on specific client issues and case study preparation.Co-requisite: PSO 5435.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5435 Coaching Competency 2Students demonstrate key coaching competencies through casestudies and coaching demonstrations. They assess, together withtheir professors, the quality of their coaching, their ability todemonstrate the quality of critical reflection, and self-developmentas coaches. Prerequisite: PSO 5427. Co-requisite: PSO 5434.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5437 Coaching Competency Supplement 1Provides one-on-one supplemental advisement toward developingskills required for the coaching competency course including:case studies, self-development plans, and coaching observation.Students who need additional assistance in demonstratingcompetency in coaching will be required to enroll in PSO 5437.Units of PSO 5437 do not apply toward the unit requirements forthe certificate. Prerequisite: PSO 5435.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5440 Paradigms of Consciousness 3Examines the nature and structure of paradigms and paradigmshifts in scientific, psychological, social, and metaphysicalthinking. Emphasizes living systems theory and the philosophyof holism as they relate to ecology, health, creativity, and conflictresolution.Graduate School ofProfessional Psychology<strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong>Graduate School of Professional Psychology 189

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