General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

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Graduate School of Professional PsychologyOrganizational Psychology [PSO] CoursesGraduate School ofProfessional PsychologyPSO 5054 Research Methods:Qualitative _____________________________________________________________________and Quantitative 3Research methods allows a brief introduction to various forms ofresearch methods, both quantitative and qualitative, with particularattention to qualitative methods. The course will address issuesaround data collection, interviewing, and data analysis. The coursewill encourage students to focus on research that has been used intheir appropriate fields. It will help prepare students for the MAresearch project process and aid understanding of research onceworking as a practitioner.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5234 Seminar in Organizational Psychology 1–4Special issues in the field of consulting psychology includingconflict resolution in organizations, exploring group dynamics,and others. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5268 Organizational Psychology Practicum 1–4Includes placement, individual advisement, and group supervision.Practicum gives the student an opportunity to applythe theory and methodology from the classes of PSO 5462Organizational Assessment, PSO 5463 Organizational InterventionsI, PSO 5464 Organizational Interventions II, and PSO5314 Facilitating Group Decision Making. The student works asan apprentice in a real-but-limited consulting engagement workingunder the direction or in collaboration with JFKU faculty or anapproved, experienced OD practitioner. An alternative practicummay be an instructor-organized, simulated classroom experience.Practicum offers directed practice and skill development and maymeet up to two of the three required quarters of field experience.PSO 5270 Organizational PsychologyField _____________________________________________________________________Experience 3–4Field placement, individual advisement, and group supervisionfor students in the Organizational Psychology program. In groupsupervision sessions, case presentations from current placementsites serve as the starting point for lecture, role-play, and discussionof consultation issues.PSO 5271 Supplemental OrganizationalPsychology _____________________________________________________________________Field Experience 1This supplemental course allows students who have not completedthe required hours of field experience for PSO 5270 during aparticular quarter to complete their hours in the following quarter.Students receive an “In Progress” grade at the end of the incompletequarter and receive retroactive credit for PSO 5270 and PSO5270 on completion of the required work experience. Prerequisite:written consent of director and completion of at least 60 hours offield experience.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5314 Facilitating Group Decision Making 3This course considers the dynamics and functioning of task groupsand the role of the consultant in their facilitation. Topics includephases in group development, leadership function and skills, andhelping groups to begin, maintain themselves, and end.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5360 Principles of Conflict Management 3Explores the theory and practice of conflict management.Students learn how conflicts originate and evolve and how toresolve interpersonal conflicts. Theory, lecture, and simulationsprovide students with practical and strategic skills and a greaterunderstanding of anger, power, and ways of working throughimpasse.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5361 Principles of Mediation 3Building on the student’s understanding of the dynamics ofconflict, this class provides a comprehensive introduction tomediation theory and practice. Students are exposed to differentmodels of mediation (facilitative, evaluative, and transformative)as are used to deal with organizational conflict within differentsettings (internal, agency, and court). Role-plays are usedextensively to provide a safe learning environment.PSO 5362 Conflict Managementand _____________________________________________________________________Cultural Sensitivity 3Enhances the student’s knowledge and awareness of the role thatcultural and lifestyle differences play in conflict. Students alsolearn how to effectively address issues of diversity in conflictmanagement.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5363 Group Process in Organizations 3An examination of concepts, principles, and necessary activitiesof effective work groups. Topics are considered within the contextof developmental stages: joining; identifying and making use ofdifferences; identifying and resolving conflict; building trust,cohesion, and inter-member relationships; structuring a groupto increase collaborative effort, results-based performance andeffective decision making; and closing down the work. This courseidentifies stage-specific tasks for group members as well as appropriatefacilitative behaviors for leaders and members. Prerequisite:PSO 5461.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5410 Orientation: Coaching Certificate 0Introduces new students to each other and orients them to theCoaching certificate program, policies, and advisement procedures.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5412 Introduction to Coaching 1An overview of the field and the four models of coaching used inthe field. Reviews professional coaching competencies as taught inthe Coaching certificate program. Provides opportunities to assessone’s coaching skill in practice. Examines the appropriate applicationof coaching as contrasted to counseling and consulting.PSO _____________________________________________________________________5414 Starting a Coaching Practice 1Focuses on techniques for marketing a coaching practice. Subjectsinclude attracting and enrolling clients, developing marketing andcollateral materials, creating alliances with other professionals, andspeaking persuasively about your coaching practice as well assetting fees and billing for services.188 Graduate School of Professional Psychology<strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong>

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