General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

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Graduate School of Professional Psychologydiscussed to provide an understanding of the normal and pathologicaldevelopment and functioning of the nervous system. Thisincludes concepts of genetics, sleep, arousal and altered states ofconsciousness, the acquisition and retention of information, andthe ability of people to adapt to the environment. Exploring theapplication of this information to clinical practice, rehabilitation,research, and personal philosophy is encouraged.PSD 7108 Cognitive and AffectiveBases _____________________________________________________________________of Behavior 3This course provides students with an overview of classical andrecent research in the areas of cognitive psychology and theoriesof emotion with an emphasis on the relevance of these models andfindings to diversity-competent clinical practice and research.PSD 7115 Assessment I/Intellectual _____________________________________________________________________and Cognitive Assessment and Lab 4This course provides an introduction to intelligence and cognitiveassessment. It includes a historical examination of major theoriesof intelligence and the multicultural implications of these models.One hour of lab is included each week to help students acquireskills in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of cognitivetests. Prerequisites: PSD 7008 and PSD 7016.PSD 7116 Assessment II/Personality _____________________________________________________________________Assessment I and Lab 4Focuses on the various ways personality is assessed throughobjective measures. Students learn to administer, score, andinterpret personality inventories with emphasis on the MMPI-2.One hour of lab each week is included to help the student acquireskills in the administration, scoring, and interpretation ofobjective personality measures. In addition, emphasis is placed onthe integration of cognitive and objective personality test findingswithin the context of history, mental status, behavioral observations,SES, and culture. Students learn to integrate these data intoa psychological test report which provides a clear description ofthe subject and his or her strengths and weaknesses and relevanttreatment recommendations. Prerequisite: PSD 7115.PSD 7117 Assessment III/Personality _____________________________________________________________________Assessment II and Lab 4An introduction to the use of projective techniques to assesspsychological functioning. Particular attention will be given tothe Rorschach and the TAT/CAT. One hour of lab each week isincluded to help the student acquire skills in the administration,scoring, and interpretation of these measures. In addition,emphasis is placed on the integration of cognitive, objective, andprojective personality test findings within the context of history,mental status, behavioral observations, SES, and culture. Studentslearn to integrate these data into a psychological test report whichprovides a clear description of the subject and his or her strengthsand weaknesses and relevant treatment recommendations.Prerequisite: PSD 7116.PSD 7121 World Cultures: Diverse Perspectiveson _____________________________________________________________________Psychological Theory and Practice 3Exposes students to non-traditional psychological theory as itapplies to non-dominant and non-conforming groups, both withinand outside the U.S. It contrasts traditional and non-traditionaltheories and considers postmodern thinking within social andpolitical contexts.PSD 7122 Psychodynamic Theory andIts _____________________________________________________________________Application to Diverse Populations 3This course reviews drive theory and ego psychology, objectrelationstheory, self-psychology, and intersubjective approachesto therapy. The paradigm shift in psychoanalytic thought from adrive theory to a relational theory model and the implications ofthis shift for clinical practice are examined. A critical review ofpsychodynamic theory and practice from a cultural perspective isincluded.PSD 7123 Cognitive Behavioral Theory andIts _____________________________________________________________________Application to Diverse Populations 3This course reviews the basic tenets and principles of cognitivebehavioraltheory and therapy and its specific application toanxiety and mood disorders. Cognitive-behavioral theory isexamined from a postmodern perspective.PSD 7124 Family Systems Theory and ItsApplication _____________________________________________________________________to Diverse Populations 3This course offers the basics in family systems theory and thehistorical context from which it arose. Students learn the applicationof systems theory to the treatment of a variety of familysystems. A comparison and critique of systems theory from apostmodern perspective is included. The limitations of systemstheory to families of diverse backgrounds is considered as well asmodifications of the approaches typical of system models to meetthe needs of such families.PSD _____________________________________________________________________7131 Psychology of Addiction 3Focuses on the identification, assessment, and treatment ofindividuals who are abusing substances. The influence ofsocioeconomic class and cultural context and the variations insubstance use and abuse across groups will be considered. Prerequisite:PSD 7016.PSD _____________________________________________________________________7135 Practicum II 2The second-year practicum is a clinical placement where studentsapply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in the first year.The practicum is part of the three-quarter integrated professionalseminar sequence in which students discuss clinical and diversityissues. Prerequisites: PSD 7007, PSD 7016, PSD 7035, and PSD7141.PSD 7141 Ethical and Legal Issuesin _____________________________________________________________________Professional Psychology 3This course focuses on the ethics and laws to which psychologistsmust adhere and their implications for a professional practice. Wewill examine contextual issues such as gender, race, and widelydiffering worldviews of therapist and client and their implicationsfor an ethical professional practice. Students will be introduced tomethods of critically evaluating their professional behavior.Graduate School ofProfessional Psychology<strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong>Graduate School of Professional Psychology 185

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