General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

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School of Holistic StudiesCenter for Holistic CounselingThe Center for Holistic Counseling, operated by the university, islocated in nearby Oakland. The center’s dual mission is to providesupervised training for advanced students in the counseling psychologyprogram and offer high-quality, affordable psychotherapyto the community. The center has provided comprehensive andconfidential counseling services to the diverse ethnic and socioeconomiccommunities of the East Bay for over 20 years.The center offers a safe setting where adults, children, adolescents,and seniors have the opportunity to find inner strength and directionthrough personal counseling. Clients are actively supportedas they grow personally and spiritually from the pain and joy foundin their everyday experiences and relationships. A wide varietyof issues are addressed including family conflicts and parenting,relationship problems, anxiety and depression, sexuality, grief, andspiritual crises.The counseling center provides a one-year traineeship forstudents preparing for the Marriage and Family Therapist license.Advanced students are offered a supportive atmosphere to workwith clients in a therapeutic setting. The center also helps studentsground their spiritual aspirations in practical service to others.Students receive extensive training in clinical skills while workingwith individuals, children, couples, families, and groups under thesupervision and guidance of experienced, licensed therapists.Individual PsychotherapyThe program considers it essential that a practicing therapistunderstand the therapy process on a first-hand and personal basis.All students in the counseling psychology program are requiredto complete at least 12 months, or 48 hours, of weekly individualpsychotherapy with a licensed therapist while in the program. Insome cases, students may be required to complete more than the12-month minimum requirement. Students receive no academiccredit for this and must make financial arrangements directly withthe therapist. Students must start their psychotherapy requirementon or before the quarter prior to starting their field placement.Individual therapy gives students the opportunity to work onpersonal concerns and issues that may affect their work withclients. The therapist acts as an exemplar: students studying tobecome therapists have an opportunity to extend their expertiseby direct supervision from an experienced professional. Thesehours can also be applied toward MFT licensing requirements.Spiritual Practice RequirementIn keeping with the school’s recognition that daily spiritual practiceis fundamental to growth in consciousness, students are requiredto practice a daily spiritual discipline while in the program. Sittingmeditation; somatic disciplines such as tai chi, yoga, or aikido;or the practice of other comparable disciplines are all acceptablepossibilities. Students determine which discipline will best servetheir needs and are expected to discuss how the discipline has contributedto their individual growth during the year-end review.California MFT Licensing RequirementsThe Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology with a specializationin somatic psychology, transpersonal psychology, or holisticstudies meets the educational requirements for the CaliforniaMarriage and Family Therapist (MFT) license. Licensing statutesand regulations are subject to future legislative or administrativerevisions. Counseling psychology students will be kept informedabout MFT licensing requirements and changes as they occur.A description of the requirements of the law (Business andProfessional Code §§4980.37 and 4980.38), and the way in whichthe program meets these requirements, are available from theSchool of Holistic Studies.School ofHolistic Studies<strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong>School of Holistic Studies 111

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