General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

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Graduate School of Professional PsychologyPractice ValuesThe MA program in Organizational Psychology educates practitionersto inspire organizational systems to be humane, diverse,sustainable, socially responsible, and ethical.• Humane organizations are “good places to work” becausethey respect people and relationships and treat people assubjects, not objects; as collaborators, not resourcesto be used.• Diverse organizations appreciate and respect the cultural,racial, gender, and sexual orientations within the workforceand in the community they serve. They also recognize andharness the power of differences and the contributions ofdiverse perspectives to the decision-making process.• Sustainable organizations make careful use of materialresources because they recognize that the natural environmentis a finite resource that requires replenishment. Theyrecognize that people also need to reflect and rest. Theyknow that productivity requires the synergy of manysystems, each with their own requirements.• Socially responsible organizations seek the commongood. They recognize their work as a contribution to thecommunity, the nation, and the world beyond. If they arefor-profit entities, they seek profit in a way that works forthe common good.• Ethical organizations respect working agreements, rules,and laws. They are conscious of ethical dilemmas, takethese seriously, intentionally deliberate the issues, andseek solutions that do no harm.Academic CourseworkThe academic coursework includes both core and electivematerial. Core courses emphasize organization dynamics,self-awareness, communication, team development, groupfacilitation, consulting skills, project management, and crossculturalsensitivity. Elective courses enable students to pursuespecialized interests in Organizational Psychology and relatedsubjects taught in the School of Management and the School ofHolistic Studies. Students may also pursue certificates in OrganizationalPsychology and in Coaching.<strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong>Field ExperienceStudents gain valuable practical experience in developing theirconsulting skills by completing 300 hours of field experiencein an organization of their choice. The 300 hours are normallycompleted in three quarters and include weekly individual andgroup supervision through the field experience seminar, for a totalof nine units.This is an opportunity to apply classroom learning in a real,practical organization experience. Student projects offerexperience in the consulting process skills of entry, makingagreements, assessment, analysis, and intervention. Fieldexperience also offers the opportunity to work with seasonedprofessionals and to test oneself in an actual work setting.Master’s ProjectThe master’s project is a research experience that allowsstudents to pursue in depth a subject area in OrganizationalPsychology. The required sequence of courses is PSO 5054Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative, PSO 5996Master’s Project Proposal, and three quarters (totaling six units)of PSO 5997 Master’s Project.PSO 5054 Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative mustbe completed successfully before enrolling in PSO 5996 Master’sProject Proposal. The student must receive credit for PSO 5996Master’s Project Proposal before enrolling in PSO 5997A Master’sProject A. The research process is then one of continuous enrollmentfrom PSO 5997A Master’s Project A through PSO 5997Band PSO 5997C. The student will be registered for a minimum ofthree consecutive quarters during this process. Once the studenthas completed study in Master’s Project A and B, he or she willreceive an In Progress mark (IP). Students will not receive finalcredit for PSO 5997A, PSO 5997B, or PSO 5997C until they havesubmitted their final approved and bound project and orallypresented their research findings to the program.If the project is not completed at the end of PSO 5997C Master’sProject C, the student will take PSO 5998 Supplemental ProjectAssistance for one unit until the master’s project is completedThese supplemental units do not apply toward the 63–70-unitrequirement for the degree. A maximum of six units ofGraduate School of Professional Psychology 167Graduate School ofProfessional Psychology

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