General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

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<strong>General</strong> InformationRefund Policy<strong>University</strong> fees are non-refundable, regardless of when the studentdrops the course. Course fees are refundable unless the courseschedule indicates otherwise.Tuition is refundable according to the length of the course and thedate the registrar’s office is notified of the drop. Note that it is thestudent’s responsibility to visit or speak with the registrar’s officeto effect a drop. Consult the table in the Registration section of thiscatalog for additional information.Financial AidFinancial aid regulations change frequently. Students should checkwith the financial aid office for the latest information. Financial aidis available to any students who are permanent residents of theU.S. or certain Pacific Islands and any other eligible noncitizens(individuals who can provide documentation from the UnitedStates Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that they arein the United States for other than a temporary purpose with theintention of becoming a citizen or permanent resident). Studentsshould contact the financial aid office for specific requirementsregarding citizenship.The financial aid office provides financial assistance in the form ofloans, grants, and scholarships. Aid is intended to help studentswho, because of limited resources, would otherwise be unableto attend school, or who, with the aid, are able to take additionalcourses and graduate at an earlier date. The philosophy underlyingadministration of federally funded financial aid places primaryresponsibility for meeting educational costs on students and theirfamilies. As a result, most financial aid is available only to help fillthe gap between a student’s or family’s expected contribution anda student’s educational expenses.Students considering applying for financial aid are urged tocontact the financial aid office as eligibility for financial aidprograms is very individualized. Several booklets containingdetailed information about eligibility, procedures, and the financialaid programs available at the university are available from thefinancial aid office. Basic eligibility requirements include half-timeenrollment and enrollment must be in an eligible program. Inaddition, no prior student loans may be in default status.Grants and ScholarshipsGrants and scholarships are gifts of money that do not have to berepaid. These funds are extremely limited.Federal Pell Grants are federally funded entitlements for lowincomeundergraduates. Grant amounts range from $400 to $4,310per year and are prorated for half-, three-quarter-, and full-timeenrollment. Eligibility is based on financial need.Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG),federally funded grants for undergraduates, range from $200 to$2,000 per year. Eligibility is based on extreme financial need andpriority is given to students with extremely limited resources.Cal Grants A and B provide scholarship funds to undergraduatesto cover tuition, living expenses, and most fees. Cal Grant eligibil-ity is determined by the California Student Aid Commission andis based on grade-point average and student’s or parents’ financialneed.Assumption Program of Loans for Education (APLE) is a programthat assumes partial federal student loan repayment. It is forstudents enrolled in the teaching credential program at <strong>John</strong> F.<strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong> scholarships are institutionally fundedawards for graduate and undergraduate students. Scholarshipsrange from $250 to $2,000 per year; they are designed to reducestudents’ reliance on loans and enable additional students toattend the university. Eligibility is based on extreme financialneed.Other grants and scholarships are periodically available from theuniversity and outside sources (e.g., private foundations). A binderwith all current scholarships is available in the financial aid office.A list of scholarship search websites is also available in the financialaid office and on the university website under the financial aidlinks. Scholarships currently available at the university include:• Joy Feinberg Scholarship (for museum studies students)• Olga Kendall Scholarship• Jacqueline <strong>Kennedy</strong> Scholarship• Management Scholarship• Marin Educational Foundation Scholarship• Soroptomist Training Award• Alice Walker ScholarshipFurther information regarding private sources of financial assistanceis available in the Fisher Library.<strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong> welcomes contributions to theuniversity scholarship fund. All contributions are tax deductibleand may be sent to <strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Office of <strong>University</strong>Advancement, 100 Ellinwood Way, Pleasant Hill CA 94523-4817.LoansLoans are funds that must be repaid with interest. Students shouldcheck with the financial aid office for current information on loanlimits, interest rates, and terms.Federal Perkins Loans are five percent interest loans for graduateand undergraduate students. They are awarded by the financial aidoffice from funds consisting of a federal contribution, universitycontribution, and repayment from previous borrowers. MostFederal Perkins Loans range from $3,000 to $6,000 annually.Repayment begins nine months after graduation, withdrawal, orcessation of half-time enrollment. Repayment may take up to tenyears. Eligibility is based on unmet financial need. These funds areextremely limited.Federal Stafford Loans (subsidized and unsubsidized) are longterm,low-interest loans that are available from a bank, creditunion, or other financial institution. Both undergraduate andgraduate students are eligible for Federal Stafford Loans. Graduatestudents may borrow up to $20,500 per academic year; lowerdivisionundergraduates, up to $7,500 for the first academic yearand $8,500 for the second academic year; and upper-divisionundergraduates, up to $10,500 per academic year.<strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong><strong>General</strong> Information 23

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