General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

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Graduate School of Professional PsychologyGraduate School ofProfessional PsychologyPSY _____________________________________________________________________5235 Review of Counseling Skills 3Review and practice of basic counseling skills. Topics includerehearsal of various components of interview skills throughexperiential exercises and role-play, videotaping, process recording,and journal writing. Prerequisites: PSY 5232 and consent ofadvisor.PSY 5249–54 Supervised ExternalField _____________________________________________________________________Experience A–F 4/4/4/3/3/3Outside placement in settings that meet BBS requirements offerclinical training experiences. Includes one hour of individualsupervision and at least two hours of group supervision per week.Prerequisite: Completion of Phase I and written consent of fieldplacement coordinator.PSY 5260–65 Supervised InternalField _____________________________________________________________________Experience A–F 4/4/4/4/4/4Field experience at the JFK <strong>University</strong> community counselingcenter in Pleasant Hill, Sunnyvale, or Pittsburg with individuals,couples, families, and groups. Prerequisite: Completion of Phase Iand written consent of community counseling center director.PSY 5266 Supplemental SupervisedInternal _____________________________________________________________________Field Experience 0–4Placement in internal, external, or school-based settings that meetBBS requirements and offer clinical training experiences. Prerequisite:Completion of Phase I and the written consent of programdirector required. This course does not substitute for PSY 5249–54 or PSY 5260–65.PSY _____________________________________________________________________5302 Sand Tray and Sandplay Therapy 2This course provides an in-depth foundation in the theory andpractice of sandplay therapy. Using lecture, videos, and slides,students will gain a cognitive understanding of the theoreticalconcepts of sandplay; learn about the practical aspects of usingsandplay with clients; and, through viewing slide presentations ofclinical material, students will gain an understanding of the sandplayprocess. Two complete case presentations will be shown.PSY 5303 Child and Adolescent Therapy:Assessment _____________________________________________________________________and Treatment A 3This course provides an introduction to the theory and practiceof child and adolescent treatment. Topics include developmentaltheories, temperament, developmental stages, childhooddisorders, and diagnosis. This course is the first in the twoquartersequence with PSY 5304. Prerequisite: PYC 3100,PSY 5403, and PSY 5115.PSY 5304 Child and Adolescent Therapy:Assessment _____________________________________________________________________and Treatment B 2This course examines the theory and practice of child andadolescent psychotherapy within an individual and systemiccontext. Topics include clinical techniques, assessment, diagnosis,and treatment planning. This course is the second in thetwo-quarter sequence with PSY 5303. Prerequisite: PSY 5303(with the same instructor or instructor consent).PSY _____________________________________________________________________5306 Advanced Child Therapy 3Theory and practical approaches to clinical work with childrenand their families. Topics include play-therapy theories, therapeuticprocess, verbal and nonverbal techniques, toys andmaterials, and parent involvement. This course fulfills PSY 5120C.Prerequisite: PSY 5304.PSY _____________________________________________________________________5307 Advanced Adolescent Therapy 3Theory and practical approaches to clinical work with adolescentsand their families. Topics include refinement of interviewingskills, diagnosis and assessment, therapeutic process and specialissues (e.g., adolescent substance abuse and adolescent sexuality).Prerequisite: PSY 5304.PSY 5309 Seminar in Child, Adolescent,and _____________________________________________________________________Family Counseling 1–3Special topics, current issues, and problem areas pertaining to thefield of family therapy. Includes such topics as child and adolescentpsychopathology, parent consultation skills, narrative therapy, andwomen in midlife. May be repeated for credit with a change oftopic. Prerequisite: PSY 5304.PSY 5403–04 Diagnosis and Assessmentof _____________________________________________________________________Psychopathology A–B 3/2A two-quarter sequence that examines notions of normalcy andpathology from differing theoretical perspectives. Explains thehistory, development, and use of the DSM-IV-TR and issues oftreatment from individual, familial, and systemic perspectives.Prerequisites: PYC 3100 and PYC 3200.PSY _____________________________________________________________________5405 Psychological Testing 3An overview of tests utilized and interpreted in the practice ofmarriage and family therapy with the goal that students learn todevelop referral questions and to review psychological reportsconducted by other professionals. Projective tests (Rorschach,tat), objective tests (Millon, MMPI), and behavioral rating scales(Hamilton, Connors) will be covered with the emphasis on managingand assessing client outcome. Introduces the principles ofintellectual and cognitive assessment so that learning disabilitydiagnosis can be discussed. Ethical and legal issues involved inpsychological testing including the influences of gender, cultural,and socioeconomic context are included.PSY _____________________________________________________________________5406 Psychopharmacology 3Provides a comprehensive overview of psychotropic medicationoptions utilized to treat mental disorders including biochemicalmakeup, function, and possible side effects. Students will beexposed to the basic physiology and function of the brain as itrelates to the use of psychotropic medications and some basicpsychological dysfunctions, e.g., mood disorders, ADHD, ADD,OCD, intermittent explosive disorder, and psychotic disorders.Also examines the increased collaboration among mental healthand medical practitioners as psychopharmacological interventionsbecome more common in client populations served by MFTs.PSY _____________________________________________________________________5620 Multicultural Awareness 3Designed to enhance students’ awareness and appreciation of theirown cultural identity and to increase sensitivity to cultural vari-198 Graduate School of Professional Psychology<strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong>

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