General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

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School of Holistic StudiesCounseling Psychology [HSJ] CoursesSchool ofHolistic StudiesThese courses are offered by the School of Holistic Studies on theCampbell campus.HSJ _____________________________________________________________________5000 Introduction to Holistic Studies Program 0This course will introduce students to the School of Holistic Studiesand detail program requirements and student responsibilities.All students entering the Holistic Studies program are required totake this no-cost, no-credit course during their first quarter.HSJ _____________________________________________________________________5010 Paradigms of Consciousness 3An introduction to the philosophical concepts of holism. Byexploring consciousness, the nature and structure of paradigms,and paradigm shifts in psychological thinking, students will gainthe theoretical foundation necessary to integrate transpersonaland somatic theories. Students will consider implications of livingsystems theory and the philosophy of holism as they relate to thefield of counseling psychology.HSJ _____________________________________________________________________5100 Seminar in Holistic Studies A 1This course gives students in-depth exposure to various modalitiesof somatic and transpersonal counseling and provides practicein the application of clinical and educational skills to the psychotherapyof individuals, groups, and families. Seminars will beoffered on a variety of modalities, including, but not limited to,Hakomi, Feldenkrais, and meditation. Students will take twocourses during their first year of study. This course may be retakenfor additional creditHSJ _____________________________________________________________________5101–03 Group Process A–C 2/2/2Using traditional, transpersonal, and somatic counseling techniques,students examine and work with their own and others’feelings, motivations, and patterns of behavior. Through classparticipation, students learn group theory and group facilitationskills. Must be taken in three consecutive quarters during the firstyear of graduate study.HSJ _____________________________________________________________________5105 Effective Communication A 3An introduction to some basic principles and practices of effectivecommunication. Students explore the use of communication inday-to-day life, relationships, counseling, teaching, employmentsettings, and other forms of working with people. Topics includepresence, centering, listening skills, and discriminating betweencontent and process.HSJ _____________________________________________________________________5106 Effective Communication B 3This course will allow students to continue to practice skillsand principles learned in the first quarter. The major defensemechanisms will be examined and strategies explored to deepentherapeutic process and classroom participation. Trainingin recognizing transference and countertransference issuesand making effective therapeutic interventions. Assessmentof communication patterns in dysfunctional, functional, andoptimal individual and couple, family, and educational systemsare explored. Prerequisite: HSJ 5105.HSJ 5115 Fundamentals ofTranspersonal _____________________________________________________________________Counseling 3This course will cover the basic principles and practices of transpersonalpsychology. Beginning with the origins and history ofthe field, the major theorists will be covered. The relationshipbetween spirituality and psychology will be examined andstudents will develop an understanding of how their spiritualpractice supports them as a psychotherapist.HSJ 5120 Individual Developmentand _____________________________________________________________________Family Life Cycle A 3A review of the stages of individual development and the works oftraditional theorists including Freud, Mahler, and Erickson as wellas those of contemporary somatic theorists. Introduction to theconcept of family life cycle. Prerequisite: PYJ 3200.HSJ 5121 Individual Developmentand _____________________________________________________________________Family Life Cycle B 3Focuses on family life cycle and the ways in which it is influencedby, and is independent of, the developmental experiences offamily members in their families of origin. Major theoriesof healthy and dysfunctional family development are coveredincluding the somatic theories, relating events in the family lifecycle to each member’s health. Prerequisite: HSJ 5120.HSJ _____________________________________________________________________5126 Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling 3Provides an overview of the field of cross-cultural issues relatedto counseling. Special emphasis is placed on fostering an understandingof cross-cultural dynamics in counseling through anexamination of the historical, political, and sociocultural issuesthat impact the lives of ethnic minority clients.HSJ _____________________________________________________________________5130 Movement Seminar 3A holistic approach to working with movement in educational andtherapeutic settings. Students explore movement developmentand articulation, re-patterning, and expression and integration.At the end of the course, students will have an understandingof movement in relation to themselves as well as experience inexploring movement with others.HSJ 5150 Supplemental FieldworkExperience _____________________________________________________________________Monitoring 1Individual evaluative consultations which review students’ progressin supplemental external fieldwork placement. Student andfaculty meet a minimum of once per quarter to review placement,evaluations, and fulfill BBS requirements for hours of experiencetoward licensure. Prerequisites: SPC 5324 and SPC 5631.HSJ _____________________________________________________________________5200 Seminar in Holistic Studies B 1This course gives advanced practice in the application of variouscounseling modalities of somatic and transpersonal psychologyand provides clinical and educational skills to the psychotherapyof individuals, groups, and families. Students take two coursesduring their second year of study. This course may be retaken foradditional credit. Prerequisite: HSJ 5100.138 School of Holistic Studies <strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong>

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