General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

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School of Holistic Studiesideal for realizing more effective solutions to complex social andorganizational problems and enhancing personal development.Program Learning Outcomes• Demonstrate an integral perspective. In clear language,graduates will be able to define reality from an integral(AQAL) perspective that recognizes the insight providedby the major disciplines of knowledge, from premodern,modern, and postmodern perspectives. Graduates willbe able to cognitively “see” different perspectives, interpersonallycommunicate with individuals holding divergentperspectives, and personally inhabit the worldview andunderstanding of various perspectives.• Describe from experience various practices oftransformation. In first-person descriptive language,graduates will be able to discuss and explain differentpsycho-spiritual practices of inquiry and meditation.Graduates will actively use different practices of self-inquiryto continually become aware of their own body/mindconnection, interior states (emotional, somatic, mental,transpersonal), psychological structures, emotionalreactions, shadow material, and object-relations.• Employ various methods of first-, second-, and thirdpersoninquiry. Graduates will be able to identify and makeuse of informal and formal practices of investigation andresearch that access subjective, intersubjective, and (inter)objective aspects of reality.• Apply the integral (AQAL) model. Graduates will be ableto apply integral principles at various scales and withinmultiple contexts. Graduates will act from the followingvalues in their personal and professional lives: commitmentto ongoing personal inquiry, commitment to skillful action,commitment to ethical relationships, and commitment tocreating sustainable systems while respecting differentperspectives.• Embody an integral life practice. Graduates will beable to demonstrate a functioning personal practice oftransformation that exercises multiple dimensions ofthemselves—body.Admission RequirementsEnrollment is available to students who have an undergraduatedegree from an accredited institution. In addition to satisfying theentrance standards of JFKU, admission requires the following:• A writing sample (five to ten pages, double-spaced);• Two letters of recommendation;• A five- to ten-page, double-spaced personal statement thatdiscusses one’s use of integral principles in life.International applicants whose native language is not Englishmust comply with JFKU standards. Requirements relating to theForeign Student Financial Statement and immigration status arenot applicable. If foreign students decide to attend the annualface-to-face gatherings, they are responsible for obtaining visa andmaking travel arrangements.CurriculumThe online Integral Theory certificate program is delivered usinga cohort system in which a strong sense of community emergesamong students. A cohort of 10 to 24 students begins every falland progresses through the program at the same rate. Studentstake on average six units each quarter for four quarters (one year).This part-time format is ideal for working adults and studentswho have full-time careers or families and allows more time forstudent integration of the course material. The online deliveryalso offers round-the-clock course access, providing studentsmaximum scheduling flexibility.There are two face-to-face meetings each year—one in the fall, andanother in the spring. These gatherings last three to five days. Onetakes place in Denver (where the Integral Institute is located) andthe other in the San Francisco Bay Area (where JFKU is located).Courses comprising the 25-unit certificate are divided into twocategories—core theory courses and core element courses. A coretheory course is offered each quarter, providing the theoreticalfoundations for the integral model. Core element courses(also taught each quarter) provide professional developmentby training students to successfully apply the integral model topersonal and professional goals and purposes.School ofHolistic StudiesCourses Units Prerequisite(s) Co-Requisite(s)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Core TheoryITH 5005 Integral Theory: The Five Elements 3 —_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ITH 5006 Integral Theory: Integral Methodological Pluralism 3 —_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ITH 5009 Integral Theory: Applications 3 —_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ITH 5043 Integral Life Practice 2 —_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Core Elements—Professional Development_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ITH 5039 Developmental Psychology 3 —_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ITH 5047 Phenomenological Inquiry 2 —_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ITH 5054 Types: Enneagram 3 PYC 3200_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ITH 5057 Multiple Intelligences 2 —_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ITH 5059 States of Consciousness 2 —_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ITH 5061 Integral Spirituality 2 —_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Total units required 25_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong>School of Holistic Studies 123

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