General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

General Catalog - John F. Kennedy University

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School of Holistic StudiesSchool ofHolistic StudiesITH _____________________________________________________________________5043 Integral Life Practice 2This course focuses on applying the integral model to an individual’sown path of transformation. Using various modules, studentsconstruct a practice program for their own lives that meets themat their growing edge.ITH _____________________________________________________________________5047 Phenomenological Inquiry 2This course will use first-person techniques to explore somatic,emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of one’s direct awareness.It will draw on various traditions—philosophical, psychological,and religious—for encountering one’s interiority. Emphasis willbe placed on the experiential correlates to various developmentalstages.ITH _____________________________________________________________________5054 Types: Enneagram 3The Enneagram will be presented as a model for understandingdefense strategies against experiencing and expressing one’sessential self. The course will focus on developmental perspectivesand intersubjective dynamics.ITH _____________________________________________________________________5057 Multiple Intelligences 2This course will present the research for the various lines ofdevelopment and help students explore their own capacities(cognitive, interpersonal, moral, somatic) and how to developthese dimensions of themselves.ITH _____________________________________________________________________5059 States of Consciousness 2This course examines altered states of consciousness includinghypnosis, mediation, and dreams as well as creative, ecstatic,and mystical states. Students explore characteristics and scientificimplications of these states and research current thinking throughpersonal projects and study.ITH _____________________________________________________________________5061 Integral Spirituality 2This course will look at the world’s great religions andexamine their unique role in premodern times as well astheir increasingly important yet surprising role in the modernand postmodern world. Based largely on Wilber’s recent bookIntegral Spirituality, students will explore in depth what thesereligions might offer today’s world. Key concepts to be coveredinclude integral post-metaphysics, myths of the given, and theconveyor belt. Specific emphasis is placed on first-, second-, andthird-person methodologies for understanding this material andfor synthesizing and applying it to one’s life practice.ITH _____________________________________________________________________5101 Integral Research 3In this course, students learn basic principles of qualitative andquantitative research methodology and clarify their goals regardinga research topic. Students will also formulate researchquestions and begin a literature review of books and articlesrelevant to their topic. Students will complete a small-scale projectusing six different methodologies and write a final research paper.Core Integral CoursesITH _____________________________________________________________________5210 Subtle Energy Systems 3This course provides students with an overview of the variousmodels of subtle energy. The various esoteric traditions are examinedas well as current research.ITH _____________________________________________________________________5211 Perspectives on the Body 3This course examines the many ways the body has been understoodhistorically, philosophically, experientially, and physically.Students will be given opportunities to read, discuss, and analyzeclassical and contemporary views of the body, including thosefound in works of art, religion, and literature as well as work onlanguage, metaphors, body image and sexuality, and embodimentpractices. The work of somatic theorists such as Reich, Lowen,and Keleman will also be introduced as well as common bodyworkmodalities.ITH _____________________________________________________________________5212 Ecological Medicine 2This course provides students with the opportunity to makeconnections between their own health and the health of thenatural environment around them. Issues of sustainability andenvironmental toxicity will be covered.ITH _____________________________________________________________________5213 Cognitive Science 3This course examines the recent research about the brain andbehavior coming from cognitive science as well as autopoiesis.Particular focus will be placed on the embodied mind and howcognitive research can benefit from phenomenological inquiry.ITH _____________________________________________________________________5214 Intersubjectivity 3This course explores a number of perspectives on the spacebetween people. Theories of object relations, postmodernism,and infant development are covered. Students use various exercisesto explore their own lived experience of intersubjectivity.146 School of Holistic Studies <strong>John</strong> F. <strong>Kennedy</strong> <strong>University</strong>

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