I often save the air tickets of every trip I have taken with my friends and family. Sometimes, when looking at each of them, I feel like all the emotion and memories are kept inside the small piece of paper. In my latest journey, my companions were the two little kids, Amy and Alex, travelling with their mother. It was amazing as I as was able to stay awake for hours during the flight, eagerly listening to the adventures of these little travelers. Among their stories, the one about globe impressed me the most. When they were asking their mom where they will go the next time, she just gave them the small globe, smiled, and let Amy point at one of the place on it. Amy and Alex were so excited, screaming with glee when their mom told them about the next place. The kids together made a plan to save money, and prepare for their next trip. From time to time, the family had traveled around the world with that globe. They showed me that no matter where we go, one should plan their voyage with love so as to make every trip into an exciting page of life’s book. The book of my life is marked with the air tickets I have collected over the years and the memories attached to each of them. It has been said that life is a journey, not a destination. The purpose then, is to travel to new places, experience and learn new things, relax after working days, or to find yourself, your passion and love. Have you got your next journey planned?

I often save the air tickets of every trip I have taken with my friends and family. Sometimes, when looking at each of them, I feel like all the emotion and memories are kept inside the small piece of paper.
In my latest journey, my companions were the two little kids, Amy and Alex, travelling with their mother. It was amazing as I as was able to stay awake for hours during the flight, eagerly listening to the adventures of these little travelers. Among their stories, the one about globe impressed me the most. When they were asking their mom where they will go the next time, she just gave them the small globe, smiled, and let Amy point at one of the place on it. Amy and Alex were so excited, screaming with glee when their mom told them about the next place. The kids together made a plan to save money, and prepare for their next trip. From time to time, the family had traveled around the world with that globe. They showed me that no matter where we go, one should plan their voyage with love so as to make every trip into an exciting page of life’s book. The book of my life is marked with the air tickets I have collected over the years and the memories attached to each of them.
It has been said that life is a journey, not a destination. The purpose then, is to travel to new places, experience and learn new things, relax after working days, or to find yourself, your passion and love. Have you got your next journey planned?


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GiÍ Æ©y, Æ’n Nha Trang, sau khi th®m m‰i<br />

n¨i trong khu du lfich nµy, Æi”m Æ’n Nha<br />

Trang Snake Show lπi tπo cho du kh∏ch mÈt<br />

c∂m gi∏c mÌi mŒ.<br />

Tπi khu nu´i ræn, Æ” giÌi thi÷u c∏c<br />

loπi ræn cho kh∏ch tham quan,<br />

nh˜ng lÂng k›nh bfit k›n, c„ ÆÙc<br />

lÁ th´ng h¨i, bn d≠Ìi lµ n“n<br />

c∏t træng vÌi mÙc Æ›ch cho ræn<br />

tr≠Ín. Trong lÂng c„ nh˜ng gËc c©y kh´ cho<br />

loµi ÆÈng vÀt bfl s∏t nµy lµm chÁ qu†n th©n<br />

m◊nh vµo. Nh˜ng loµi ræn ÆÈc Æ’n ræn n≠Ìc,<br />

rÂi tr®n vµ c„ c∂ nh˜ng con k˙ nh´ng... cÚng<br />

c„ m∆t trong bÈ s≠u tÀp Æ«y c´ng phu nµy.<br />

Nipolajs Solovjous n„i, mÙc Æ›ch mÎ cˆa<br />

Nha Trang Snake Show nhªm tπo cho con<br />

ng≠Íi h≠Ìng tÌi s˘ th©n thi÷n vÌi m´i<br />

tr≠Íng, cho th†y ræn lµ mÈt loµi c„ ›ch. Ræn<br />

lµ mÈt nguÂn d≠Óc li÷u tËt cho con ng≠Íi<br />

nh≠ thfit ræn ch˜a nh˜ng b÷nh th«n kinh,<br />

Æau nh¯c, t li÷t, co giÀt, kinh phong, mÙn<br />

nh‰t, lÎ loät. MÏ ræn dÔng Æ” b´i, lµm ch„ng<br />

ln da non, ch˜a b·ng lˆa, chËc Æ«u. M∏u<br />

ræn trfi ch¯ng nh¯c, Æau m·i l≠ng. MÀt ræn<br />

chËng vim, ch˜a Æau s≠ng, th†p khÌp, ra<br />

m h´i trÈm, hen suy‘n, n„ng sËt, nh¯c Æ«u<br />

dai dºng. N‰c ræn ch˜a hÒi, ung th≠, ÆÈng<br />

kinh, Æau c¨, Æau thæt ng˘c, vim khÌp, vim<br />

d©y th«n kinh. X∏c ræn lÈt lµ thuËc s∏t trÔng<br />

vµ trfi ghŒ lÎ, thËi tai, Æau cÊ h‰ng, trŒ em<br />

ÆÈng kinh co giÀt...<br />

Tuy nhin, m‰i s˘ chÍ ÆÓi ch›nh lµ mµn bi”u<br />

di‘n vÌi ræn. Ai cÚng h∏o h¯c muËn xem thˆ<br />

nh˜ng ngh÷ s‹ sœ bi”u di‘n nh≠ th’ nµo?<br />

S©n kh†u nh· c„ th” ch¯a kho∂ng 100 ng≠Íi,<br />

trung t©m s©n kh†u Æ≠Óc b∂o v÷ bÎi mÈt<br />

lÌp k›nh dµy Æ” Æ“ phflng ræn bfi sÊng, bfl ra<br />

ngoµi. Hai ngh÷ s‹ bi”u di‘n m∆c trang phÙc<br />

Æen, Æ«u qu†n kh®n Æ· xu†t hi÷n. Trong thÍi<br />

gian bi”u di‘n, m‰i ng≠Íi ph∂i giÌi hπn di<br />

chuy‘n Æ” tr∏nh kinh ÆÈng tÌi ræn. Vµ nh˜ng<br />

mµn bi”u di‘n Æ∑ th˘c s˘ tπo b†t ngÍ, n’u<br />

kh´ng n„i lµ Æ«y kfich t›nh. Ræn Æ≠Óc Æ˘ng<br />

trong nh˜ng chi’c thÔng gÁ, bn d≠Ìi gæn<br />

b∏nh xe. ThÔng Æ≠Óc Æ»y ra, mÈt chÛ ræn<br />

hÊ mang cfln hoang d∑ Æ≠Óc th∂ ra. Chÿ c«n<br />

nh◊n th†y chÛ ræn chÂm ng≠Íi, phÔng mang<br />

lµ Æ∑ ÆÒ sÓ. Nh≠ng ng≠Íi ngh÷ s‹ lπi næm<br />

Æu´i ræn vµ ÆÔa vÌi ræn trong r†t nhi“u t≠<br />

th’. Lπi mÈt con ræn kh∏c cÚng nguy hi”m<br />

kh´ng käm, cho Æ’n ba con ræn vµ mÈt b«y<br />

ræn Æ≠Óc th∂ ra. Con nµo cÚng lÌn vµ dµi<br />

trn 1,5m.<br />

Mµn bi”u di‘n käo dµi chıng 20 phÛt,<br />

nh≠ng Æ„ lµ 20 phÛt tπo cho ng≠Íi xem c∂m<br />

gi∏c kh©m phÙc. BÎi nh˜ng con ræn th∂ ra<br />

Æ“u lµ ræn ÆÈc, hai ngh÷ s‹ Æ∑ kh´n khäo ÆÔa<br />

giÏn vµ bæt chÛng bªng tay. Hai tay bæt hai<br />

con, cfln con th¯ ba th◊ sao? Anh h∏ mi÷ng<br />

nhanh nhãn cæn vµo Æ«u n„ khi n„ chÂm tÌi.<br />

Vµ n˜a, mÈt con tr®n cÚng Æ≠Óc th∂ ra, ngay<br />

t¯c khæc chÂm tÌi, Æ” rÂi cÚng vÌi s˘ chuyn<br />

nghi÷p, con tr®n mau ch„ng bfi khu†t phÙc.<br />

Hay nh˜ng ÆÈng t∏c mÎ mi÷ng con ræn, l†y<br />

n‰c tr≠Ìc m∆t kh∏n gi∂, vπch con ræn ra Æ”<br />

ph©n bi÷t ræn Æ˘c, ræn c∏i...<br />

MÈt mµn h†p d…n kh´ng käm lµ mµn hÁn<br />

chi’n gi˜a ræn hÊ mang vµ con chÂn ÆÃn.<br />

ß©y lµ hai loµi k˛ nhau, chÂn ÆÃn c„ th” ®n<br />

thfit ræn ÆÈc mµ kh´ng h“ bfi trÛng ÆÈc. Tuy<br />

nhin, mµn bi”u di‘n k’t thÛc ngay ph«n<br />

hai con vÀt x∏p vµo nhau chu»n bfi cho cuÈc<br />

chi’n sinh tˆ.<br />

Nha Trang Snake Show trong t≠¨ng lai sœ<br />

cfln nhi“u th¯ n˜a, trong mÈt kh´ng gian<br />

Æ«y b› »n cÒa loµi ræn. Nh≠ng chÿ b†y nhiu<br />

Æ„ th´i cÚng Æ∑ tπo cho n¨i nµy c„ mÈt s¯c<br />

hÛt lπ lÔng.<br />

TH§NG TIN TH£M:<br />

ü Nha Trang Snake<br />

Show t‰a lπc tπi<br />

th´n Ph≠Ìc ßi“n, x∑<br />

Ph≠Ìc ßÂng (ngoπi<br />

´ Thµnh phË Nha<br />

Trang). Tı UBND<br />

x∑ Ph≠Ìc ßÂng Æi v“<br />

h≠Ìng Bæc, kho∂ng<br />

chıng h¨n 1km, v≠Ót<br />

qua khu m· Æ∏ Hn<br />

Th, g∆p con Æ≠Íng rœ<br />

tr∏i vµo.<br />

ü N’u du lch Nha<br />

Trang, muËn Æi Æ’n<br />

Æ©y, c„ th” lin h÷ tπi<br />

qu«y tour desk trong<br />

kh∏ch sπn cÒa bπn Æ”<br />

c„ th´ng tin thm.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 101

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