I often save the air tickets of every trip I have taken with my friends and family. Sometimes, when looking at each of them, I feel like all the emotion and memories are kept inside the small piece of paper. In my latest journey, my companions were the two little kids, Amy and Alex, travelling with their mother. It was amazing as I as was able to stay awake for hours during the flight, eagerly listening to the adventures of these little travelers. Among their stories, the one about globe impressed me the most. When they were asking their mom where they will go the next time, she just gave them the small globe, smiled, and let Amy point at one of the place on it. Amy and Alex were so excited, screaming with glee when their mom told them about the next place. The kids together made a plan to save money, and prepare for their next trip. From time to time, the family had traveled around the world with that globe. They showed me that no matter where we go, one should plan their voyage with love so as to make every trip into an exciting page of life’s book. The book of my life is marked with the air tickets I have collected over the years and the memories attached to each of them. It has been said that life is a journey, not a destination. The purpose then, is to travel to new places, experience and learn new things, relax after working days, or to find yourself, your passion and love. Have you got your next journey planned?

I often save the air tickets of every trip I have taken with my friends and family. Sometimes, when looking at each of them, I feel like all the emotion and memories are kept inside the small piece of paper.
In my latest journey, my companions were the two little kids, Amy and Alex, travelling with their mother. It was amazing as I as was able to stay awake for hours during the flight, eagerly listening to the adventures of these little travelers. Among their stories, the one about globe impressed me the most. When they were asking their mom where they will go the next time, she just gave them the small globe, smiled, and let Amy point at one of the place on it. Amy and Alex were so excited, screaming with glee when their mom told them about the next place. The kids together made a plan to save money, and prepare for their next trip. From time to time, the family had traveled around the world with that globe. They showed me that no matter where we go, one should plan their voyage with love so as to make every trip into an exciting page of life’s book. The book of my life is marked with the air tickets I have collected over the years and the memories attached to each of them.
It has been said that life is a journey, not a destination. The purpose then, is to travel to new places, experience and learn new things, relax after working days, or to find yourself, your passion and love. Have you got your next journey planned?


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HíN KHïI - MïN QUÄ CûA BIÕN<br />

ßa danh Hn Kh„i c„ tı th’ k˚ 18. MÈt trong nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n l˝<br />

gi∂i c∏i tn Hn Kh„i lµ khi tµn qu©n nhµ Minh kh´ng chu khu†t<br />

phÙc tri“u M∑n Thanh, nn dÔng tµu bà xu´i Nam t◊m Ɔt sËng.<br />

MÈt sË ng≠Íi c„ quy“n ch¯c, giµu c„, c„ tµu thuy“n to lÌn th◊ vµo<br />

lÀp nghi÷p tÀn mi“n Nam, nh≠ Mπc Cˆu lÀp x¯ Hµ Tin. Cn mÈt<br />

sË ›t lang thang trn bi”n c∂ vµ trÎ thµnh h∂i t∆c c≠Ìp b„c l≠¨ng<br />

th˘c. ThÍi b†y giÍ tri“u Æ◊nh nhµ Nguy‘n ra l÷nh, khi nµo c„ gi∆c<br />

Tµu § vµo c≠Ìp b„c, th◊ d©n lµng ÆËt lˆa trn Æÿnh nÛi, Ôn kh„i<br />

ln cao lµm hi÷u Æ” g‰i qu©n ti’p vi÷n. Tı Æ„, Æ∂o nµy mÌi c„ tn<br />

lµ Hn Kh„i.<br />

Nªm c∏ch thµnh phË Nha Trang kho∂ng h¨n mÈt giÍ Æi xe theo<br />

h≠Ìng Bæc, Hn Kh„i nÊi ti’ng vÌi b∑i bi”n DËc L’t mn Æãp, c∏t<br />

hÈt nh· mµ ng≠Íi ta th≠Íng l†y Æem v“ b· vµo l≠ h≠¨ng vµ nh˜ng<br />

c∏nh ÆÂng muËi træng tinh nÂng nµn v bi”n. VÔng bi”n nµy giµu<br />

h∂i s∂n, vÌi cua, ghã, t´m, s, Ëc... t≠¨i ngon n¯c ti’ng. Ng≠Íi d©n<br />

c©u c∏ kh´ng c«n mÂi v…n c„ c∏ v≠Ìng l≠Ïi c©u.<br />

ß’n Hn Kh„i bπn Æıng b· qua m„n g·i Lua lµm tı c∏ c¨m t∏i<br />

chanh, trÈn vÌi l‚i chuËi bµo m·ng phi vµng, ÆÀu phÈng rang gi∑<br />

dÀp. MÈt Æ∆c s∂n thÛ v kh∏c cÒa Hn Kh„i ch›nh lµ muËi! MÈt<br />

d∑y c∏c ruÈng muËi rÈng thnh thang nËi dµi Æ’n tÀn ch©n trÍi<br />

lu´n lµ c∂m h¯ng cÒa c∏c nhi’p ∂nh gia trong n≠Ìc vµ quËc t’. Tı<br />

trong C«u Treo, d‰c theo 2 bn s´ng ß, mä lµng ß´ng H∂i, nªm<br />

r∂i r∏c nh˜ng Ù muËi træng tinh, c¯ Æ’n ngµy rªm, mÔng mÈt n≠Ìc<br />

tri“u ln, ng≠Íi ta Æ≠a ghe vµo chÎ muËi ra b∏n. Kho muËi Î th´n<br />

ß´ng H∂i Æ«y nh˜ng ng‰n nÛi muËi cao ng†t trÍi, k’t lπi ræn nh≠<br />

Æ∏, muËn l†y ph∂i dÔng xµ beng. MÈt ngµy cÔng dim d©n "b∏n<br />

m∆t cho Ɔt, b∏n l≠ng cho trÍi" sœ Æem lπi cho bπn nhi“u bµi h‰c<br />

qu˝ gi∏ v“ cuÈc sËng.<br />

Hon Khoi: The present of the sea<br />

The name Hon Khoi dates back to the 18 th century.<br />

One of the stories explaining this name is about Ming<br />

remnant soldiers who were unyielding to the Qing<br />

Dynasty. They traveled by boat to the south to find<br />

new land to live upon. Some of them were powerful<br />

and wealthy, using large ships to go further, like Mac Cuu in Ha<br />

Tien. Meanwhile, a few of them wandered on the sea and became<br />

pirates. At that time, the Nguyen Dynasty decided that when the<br />

Chinese pirates came to loot food, villagers set fire on the mountain<br />

peaks, creating smoke to send a distress signal. Since that time, the<br />

island has been called Hon Khoi (Smoke Island).<br />

More than a 1 hour drive from Nha Trang northward, Hon Khoi is<br />

famous for its beautiful Doc Let beach with smooth fine sand used in<br />

incense burners, as well as thesalt fields reaching further inland with the<br />

strong taste of the ocean. The sea is rich with seafood including crabs,<br />

shrimps, shellfishes, and snails which are renowned for their quality.<br />

Fish are so plentiful that locals can even catch them without bait<br />

©nam2505<br />

When you are in Hon Khoi, don't miss the chance to enjoy G·i<br />

Lua (lua salad) prepared from anchovies seasoned with lime juice,<br />

banana stem which is thinly sliced and fried until yellow, and<br />

mashed toasted peanuts. Another specialty of Hon Khoi is... salt.<br />

A plethora of large salt fields stretching to the skyline are always<br />

an endless source of inspiration for both domestic and international<br />

photographers. From Cau Treo, along the banks of Do River in Dong<br />

Hai, villages are to a large part comprised of big white salt dunes.<br />

Every the 1 st and the 15 th of the lunar month when the tide is highest,<br />

locals use small boats to carry salt from the salt fields to market. The<br />

salt warehouse in Dong Hai village contains soaring mountains of<br />

salt. The salt is so solid that locals must use crowbars to take it out<br />

from the mountains. Experiencing one day with farmers will bring<br />

you valued lessons of life and a new appreciation for such a simple<br />

thing as salt.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


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