CD is an independent and impartial magazine and is the medium of communication between foreign representatives of international and UN-organisations based in Vienna and the Austrian political classes, business, culture and tourism. CD features up-to-date information about and for the diplomatic corps, international organisations, society, politics, business, tourism, fashion and culture. Furthermore CD introduces the new ambassadors in Austria and informs about designations, awards and top-events. Interviews with leading personalities, country reports from all over the world and the presentation of Austria as a host country complement the wide range oft he magazine.

CD is an independent and impartial magazine and is the medium of communication between foreign representatives of international and UN-organisations based in Vienna and the Austrian political classes, business, culture and tourism. CD features up-to-date information about and for the diplomatic corps, international organisations, society, politics, business, tourism, fashion and culture. Furthermore CD introduces the new ambassadors in Austria and informs about designations, awards and top-events. Interviews with leading personalities, country reports from all over the world and the presentation of Austria as a host country complement the wide range oft he magazine.


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Sigrid Schot | Hammond Bar<br />

Geschichtenerzählerin | Storyteller<br />


Ein edler Platz, um unter dem Kronluster eine facettenreiche Auswahl an Cocktails<br />

sowie Whiskys, Cognacs und Rume zu genießen.<br />

A fancy place to enjoy a wide variety of cocktails as well as whiskys, cognacs and rum<br />

underneath the sparkling chandelier.<br />

austria-trend.at<br />


In der Émile Bar lässt man die „grüne Stunde“ wieder aufleben – dann ist es Zeit<br />

für Absinth, das Kultgetränk der 1920er Jahre.<br />

The Émile Bar is reviving the “green hour“ — the time for absinthe, the cult drink from<br />

the 1920s.<br />

emile-brasserie.at<br />

Wie in aller Welt kann man mehr als 150<br />

Cocktail-Rezepte bloß leichter auswendig<br />

lernen? Sigrid Schot von der Hammond Bar<br />

nahe Wiens Augarten, weiß die Antwort:<br />

indem man sich einfach kleine lustige<br />

Geschichten dazu ausdenkt, die eine<br />

Eselsbrücke nach der anderen beinhalten.<br />

Wenn dann vier Russen zwei Frauen, die am<br />

Strand spazieren gehen, mit Orangen<br />

bewerfen oder Chinesen etwas Frivoles tun,<br />

werden so „Sigis“ Mengenangaben zu<br />

perfekten Cocktails. 2015 gewann sie<br />

übrigens den Award „World‘s Most<br />

Imaginative Bartender“ der Gin-Marke<br />

Bombay Sapphire, als erste Frau überhaupt.<br />

Die Hammond Bar ist die neue Heimat der<br />

Bayerin. Davor Barchefin, als eine der<br />

wenigen Frauen in Wiens Bar-Szene, konnte<br />

sie die Bar kürzlich übernehmen.<br />

How in the world could you possibly learn 150<br />

cocktails by heart in the easiest way possible?<br />

Sigrid Schot from the Hammond Bar near<br />

Vienna‘s Augarten park knows the answer to<br />

this question – by coming up with funny little<br />

stories around them and taking advantage of<br />

the power of mnemonics. So, all it really takes<br />

is for four Russians to throw oranges at two<br />

women walking down the beach, or Chinese<br />

people doing something frivolous, and “Sigi‘s“<br />

measuring quantities turn into perfected<br />

cocktails. In 2015, she won the “World‘s Most<br />

Imaginative Bartender“ award from the<br />

Bombay Sapphire gin brand, the first woman<br />

ever to do so. The Hammond Bar is the<br />

Bavarian‘s new domicile of choice. Before<br />

that, she worked as a bar manager, as one of<br />

the few women in Vienna‘s bar scene, and<br />

then recently took over the bar.<br />

hammondbar.at<br />

a space for your passion<br />


Stylisch eingerichtet, kann man in der You Bar bestens verweilen. Cool ist auch die<br />

Musik, wenn Resident DJ Aid sein Nachtwerk ab 18.00 Uhr beginnt.<br />

With its stylish decoration, you will never want to leave the You Bar. The music is just<br />

as cool, especially when resident DJ Aid starts sounding his vibes beginning at 18:00.<br />

lemeridienvienna.com<br />


In welcher Bar gibt es schon eine Steinmauer mit einem plätschernden Wasserfall?<br />

Die Cascade Bar bietet auch internationale Live-Musik und Cocktails vom Feinsten.<br />

Can you beat a bar which has a stone wall with a splashing waterfall? The Cascade Bar<br />

also offers international live music and the finest of cocktails.<br />

cascadebar.at<br />


You is spontaneous, nothing planned, everything possible.<br />

88 Cercle Diplomatique 4/<strong>2017</strong><br />

Opernring 13, Vienna 1010 • +43 1 588 90 88 90 • you-vienna.at

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