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The company reported $0.98 earnings per share for the quarter, meeting the Zacks'<br />

consensus estimate of $0.98. Ntv Asset Management Llc who had been investing in<br />

Dominion Energy Inc for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $48.92B market<br />

cap company.<br />

Broad Run Investment Management Llc, which manages about $1.52 billion and $2.99<br />

billion US Long portfolio, decreased its stake in World Fuel Svcs Corp (NYSE:INT) by<br />

387,482 shares to 1.41 million shares, valued at $47.77 million in 2017Q3, according to the<br />

filing.<br />

Dollar Tree (NASDAQ: DLTR ) last released its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday,<br />

November 21st. It has underperformed by 28.96% the S&P500.<br />

Richard Mcguire increased its stake in Rent A Ctr Inc New (RCII) by 7.11% based on its<br />

latest 2017Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. The Massachusetts-based Shellback Capital<br />

Lp has invested 4.71% in the stock. Moffett Nathanson began coverage on shares of Dollar<br />

Tree in a research report on Monday, December 4th. Redmond Asset Management LLC's<br />

holdings in Dollar Tree were worth $2,335,000 as of its most recent filing with the Securities<br />

and Exchange Commission. The stock decreased 0.82% or $0.05 during the last trading<br />

session, reaching $6.05. About 225,569 shares traded. American Woodmark Corporation<br />

(NASDAQ:AMWD) has risen 20.58% since February 4, 2017 and is uptrending. It has<br />

underperformed by 25.91% the S&P500.<br />

Investors sentiment increased to 1.08 in 2017 Q3. Its up 0.06, from 0.88 in 2017Q2. First<br />

Amer Natl Bank holds 0.02% of its portfolio in American Woodmark Corporation<br />

(NASDAQ:AMWD) for 2,555 shares. Manor Road Capital Partners Llc bought 100,000<br />

shares as the company's stock declined 0.40% while stock markets rallied. Swiss<br />

Commercial Bank holds 0.09% or 871,247 shares. (NASDAQ:RCII) for 33,729 shares.<br />

(NYSE:D). Rock Point Advsr Limited Liability Com owns 3,444 shares or 0.12% of their USA<br />

portfolio. (DLTR) - averaging the work of different analysts - reveals a mean PT of<br />

$115.96/share. Rothschild Asset Mgmt Inc has invested 0.36% in American Woodmark<br />

Corporation (NASDAQ:AMWD). The rating was upgraded by Credit Suisse on Thursday,<br />

January 4 to "Buy". Godsey Gibb Associate has 0.12% invested in Dominion Energy, Inc.<br />

(NASDAQ:CLUB) for 70,211 shares. Winslow Evans Crocker invested in 110 shares or 0%<br />

of the stock. South Dakota Invest Council accumulated 26,900 shares. Janney Montgomery<br />

Scott Ltd Company has 18,910 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. Hg Vora Ltd Co holds<br />

8.04% or 8.50M shares in its portfolio. Thrivent Fincl For Lutherans holds 0% of its portfolio<br />

in Rent-A-Center, Inc. Jacobs Levy Equity Incorporated accumulated 32,149 shares. Axa<br />

reported 242,400 shares. Buckingham Research boosted their price target on Dollar Tree<br />

from $93.00 to $111.00 and gave the company a "buy" rating in a research report on<br />

Monday, November 20th. Therefore 50% are positive. Dollar Tree Inc . had 97 analyst<br />

reports since August 6, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Raymond James downgraded<br />

Rent-A-Center, Inc. Following the transaction, the insider now owns 6,976 shares of the<br />

company's stock, valued at approximately $690,624. The firm earned "Hold" rating on<br />

Thursday, September 7 by Jefferies. They set a "buy" rating for the company. The company<br />

was maintained on Thursday, May 25 by RBC Capital Markets. The stock of Dominion<br />

Energy, Inc. As per Tuesday, November 17, the company rating was initiated by Howard<br />

Weil. The rating was maintained by Loop Capital Markets with "Sell" on Wednesday,<br />

November 8. The rating was maintained by Bernstein on Wednesday, November 22 with<br />

"Hold". Topeka Capital Markets initiated the shares of DLTR in report on Tuesday, May 24<br />

with "Buy" rating.<br />

LMR Partners LLP bought a new position in shares of Dollar Tree, Inc. It also increased its<br />

holding in Capital One Finl Corp (NYSE:COF) by 5,000 shares in the quarter, for a total of<br />

30,000 shares, and has risen its stake in Tailored Brands Inc.<br />

Maduro picked as Venezuela's socialist party candidate<br />

It also is in the grips of hyperinflation and is teetering on the brink of outright default. They<br />

may continue to meet on Monday, the host, Dominican President Danilo Medina, has said.<br />

Randy Moss crowns career with Pro Football Hall of Fame honor<br />

Still, the addition of not only being a Hall of Fame player, but a first ballot Hall of Fame NFL<br />

player, is a sweet feeling. Moss is the third wide receiver to be indicted in his first year of<br />

eligibility along with Steve Largent and Rice.<br />

North Korea warns against US-South Korea military drills after Olympics<br />

Cha is well-known in Washington's foreign policy circles, having served as Asia director at<br />

the NSC under Bush. South Korean officials quickly signed off on Cha, a formal process in<br />

worldwide affairs known as "Agrément".<br />

Among 35 analysts covering Dollar Tree Inc.<br />

Among 5 analysts covering New York REIT ( NYSE:NYRT ), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2<br />

Hold. Therefore 66% are positive. The company's quarterly revenue was up 6.3% on a yearover-year<br />

basis. equities research analysts predict that Dollar Tree, Inc. will post 4.88 EPS<br />

for the current year. Dollar General Corp . has $112.0 highest and $6200 lowest target.

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