ifda dossier 74 - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

ifda dossier 74 - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

ifda dossier 74 - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation


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<strong>ifda</strong> <strong>dossier</strong> <strong>74</strong> . novet~~bcr/dccembcr i980 news from the third system<br />

Citizens' associations support NAM initiative<br />

for a UN Decade of International Law<br />

At their meeting held in Nicosia in Septcm-<br />

her 1088. the Ministers of Foreign Affairs<br />

of tlic Movement of Non-aligned Countries<br />

(NAM) resohcd to hold an Extraordinary<br />

h1inistcri;il meeting of the Movement on<br />

Peacc uftd /lie Rule of Lan' it! In/t,rt~u/~onal<br />

fltiirs to corninemorate tlic 00th Anniver-<br />

s:iy of the first Peace Conference held ;it<br />

1.11~ H:I~~IC in 1309.<br />

1'he initi;itiv'c \\;is conceived around tlie<br />

nine ot [lie NAM liead-01-govcrnnient<br />

meeting in 1I;irare in Septeniber 1986. In<br />

prep;imlion for the (\'prus niceling in<br />

September 1988 a number of foreign ministers<br />

met and agreed to propose that the<br />

Cyprus meeting depart from tradition by<br />

focussing on a theme. The suggested topic<br />

\v;is the l'rtiici.'lHin of Small States Through<br />

inicniiiiitiiiul L,w. 'l'lie idc;i did not receive<br />

~~~fii~~ciit s~i~iport, 'Ilic meeting in Nicosia<br />

w;is eornluctcil in tlic tr:iditional fashion<br />

but proponents of inlern:ilional l;iw succecdcd<br />

in gclting ;I 1~rieS dcclaratior~ on Peace<br />

and flic Rule of l.aw in It~tcr~iurkmal Affairs<br />

ii~cl~iiled in the I'iniil report, and in getting<br />

~grceniciit to hold ;in tixtraordinriry Ministeri;il<br />

h~lectin~in 'I'lic I Iiigue.<br />

Howeicr. rcsist;incc ivithin NAM to the<br />

speciiil meeting and its v:ilu;iting intern;i-<br />

tional l;iw ohjcctives c:iused delays and<br />

compromises in tlic planning.<br />

In April, the Work! Association for World<br />

f-'edenition (WAWF) decided. in spite of<br />

the contiiiui~~~incer'I;ii~~tics ;in(! late d;ite.<br />

to do whatever possible in the lime remaining<br />

to alert the conimunity of Citizens'<br />

associiitions to the NAM initiative. and to<br />

f, .icil~tate . . their presence in The IIaguc h!<br />

orgarii/ing and "NGO forum". WAWF sent<br />

letters to hundreds of associations alerting<br />

them of the NAM meeting, its mon~entous<br />

objectives, the planned activities and invited<br />

their support and participation.<br />

More thiin SO associations - including If-'DA<br />

- coii1munic;ited their support for the ohjec-<br />

lives of the meeting. The letters of support<br />

were copied. compiled and presented to<br />

each gnoernmcntal delegation before their<br />

Opening Session.<br />

A forum of rcprescnt:itives from more than<br />

40 associations took phicc on 27 June 1989.<br />

It was organized as a parallel meeting to<br />

the NAM Ministerial niceling. The purpose<br />

of tlie forum w;is to consider how the<br />

associative con~munity could support the<br />

NAM initiative to strcngllien internationiil<br />

l;iw and the International Court of Justice.<br />

File p;irticip;iting associations, v^liich mct iil<br />

the Institute of Sociiil Studies. represented<br />

Â¥ diverse spectrum of interests and included<br />

peace, judicial. cnvironn~ent.'il. human rights.<br />

women, United Nations associations, reli-<br />

gious. development and other groups.<br />

A WAWF representative was invited by<br />

NAM to report to the ministerial meeting<br />

on tlie Forum. A brief st;itemcnt was made<br />

to the meeting and a summary record on<br />

[lie forum was prepared and submitted to<br />

NAM. '1'tii.s report is available froni WAWI:<br />

on rcqucst.<br />

l'lie opening ecremony included stiitcments<br />

trom President Mug;ihe of Zimbaliv\e.<br />

current cliair of NAM: /.inib

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