ifda dossier 74 - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

ifda dossier 74 - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

ifda dossier 74 - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation


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citizens' associations who operate legally in<br />

their countries and are internationally<br />

respected. questioned.<br />

In short. the purpose behind the law is to<br />

facilitate actions to weaken and intimidate<br />

tlic Arab sector. An emphasis is placed on<br />

the source of property as opposed to ils<br />

application so that it is irrelevant, for<br />

instance, whether a donation received is to<br />

be used for purchasing weapons or garbage<br />

trucks. Increased administrative powers are<br />

given to executive bodies such as the police<br />

and taken away from the courts, so that<br />

powers can be exercised arbitrarily. out of<br />

the public eye, and without regard for the<br />

principles of justice. Set in the context of<br />

increasing anti-Arab racism in the country,<br />

this law is an indication of a paranoic and<br />

anti-democratic climate in which tlic Pales-<br />

tinians. now 18% of the population, and<br />

those among the .Iewish population who<br />

dare to support their rights, are victimized.<br />

7 ,<br />

I lie campiiign agiiinst the Law<br />

As soon as the new measures were announced<br />

in May of this year, the Arab nonprofit<br />

associations began to organise a<br />

campaign against the bill. Seeing this as a<br />

contravention of the basic principles of<br />

justice, equality and human rights, as well<br />

as feeling our existence threatened, the<br />

I IRA was anlongthe initiators of the camp:iign<br />

and is working intensively on tlic<br />

issue.<br />

Almost 60 Arab and 30 Jewish non-profit<br />

associations have taken part in the campiign.<br />

attending meetings, signing petitions<br />

or taking an active part in the action conniittee<br />

which has been formed to initiate<br />

and co-ordinate activities. All the Arab nonprofit<br />

associations which can be located<br />

have been contacted and invited to participate.<br />

The local Hebrew, Arabic and<br />

Hnglish press h;ivc been following the issue.<br />

Members of the Knesset have been lobbied<br />

intensively; :~ll six Arah members have<br />

attended one or more of the meetings and<br />

have spoken out against the bill. Representatives<br />

have visited the Knesset on several<br />

occasions and have spoken to members of<br />

all parties. including the Knesset Constitutional<br />

Law and Justice Committee who are<br />

currently considering the bill.<br />

The campaign has also been active overseas;<br />

several of the European associations who<br />

fund projects here have [:]ken up the issue<br />

and the International Co-ordinating Comniittec<br />

for NGOs on the Question of Palestine<br />

has asked all NGOs the protest to the<br />

Israeli government. The Inlcmational<br />

Commission of Jurists and the EEC are<br />

also taking action.<br />

(///U - Human Rigl~ts Association, FOB<br />

215, Nazareth 16101, hrarl)<br />

- -<br />

Refugees in the world: The European<br />

Comn~unily response is the ~itle of an Iniernational<br />

Co~iference on Refups, Drvcloj)rnctlt<br />

Cooperation and Human Rig111.s to take<br />

place in The JJugm; The Netherlands, on 7-<br />

8 December. The objective of the Conference<br />

is to formulate policy recommendations for<br />

the EEC and its members, and it may adopt<br />

a Charter on Refugees. Soine 120 people are<br />

expected from both North and South including<br />

researchers, policy makers and citiiens'<br />

b~oups. The organizers are the Dutch Refugee<br />

Council and SIM, the Netherlands Institute<br />

of Human Rights (SIM, Bootlwaat 6, 3.712<br />

BW IJtreeht, The Netherlands).<br />

0 The International Solidarity Ne~work of<br />

Wometi J,i~-i~ig Under Muslim Law.s'j);.tblishes<br />

an occasion(11 Dossier as an informal networking<br />

tool aiming at providing in formation<br />

about li~ses and sqqjcs and strategies of<br />

women in Muslim communities and countries<br />

all fiver the world. Two such Dossiers (?3<br />

and 1f-f) have just appeared. ?3 has a large<br />

section on l'akistan and each issue offers a<br />

resource itidex (organisafions, projects, books<br />

and journals). The cost of each is FFR 60<br />

(Combaillai~x, 34980 SaintGlfydu-l-'esc,<br />


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