ifda dossier 74 - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

ifda dossier 74 - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

ifda dossier 74 - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation


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Depuis le di?hut. ft Enllaf,. nous nous som-<br />

mes rendus compte du ksoin de crecr un<br />

centre culture1 qui donne une reponse aux<br />

problemes pos6s a notrc comn1unau16.<br />

Notre travail sc base fondaiiientalemcnt sur<br />

a culture populairc, particuli?re cl propre<br />

Orissa and Bangladesh attended. They<br />

reprcsented 25 organisations.<br />

Atroci~ic.~ on Women. - On 2 October a<br />

7on:il workshop on Atrocities on Wonicvt:<br />

Social and I,e@ protection was organised.<br />

SO women representing various womcn<br />

org;ims:itions attended the workshop and<br />

p:irticip.itcd in t11edeliher:itions. Thcdiscussions<br />

were on: (i) the types of atrocities and<br />

crimes suffered by women; (ii) sexual abuse<br />

and scx~~il hai-assiiicnt to womcn and girl<br />

cliilil: (iii) 1eg;il protection and police help<br />

or crime ;I,' -'unsi women.<br />

Il~~iiincinutiot~. - Our documentation scclion<br />

has been iihle lo select news, case<br />

studies, research papers related to tlie<br />

women issues. children legislations, judicial<br />

papers etc. These clippings have been serialscd<br />

subjectwise and they are being transfcrrcd<br />

in tlie library yeanvisc till 1988. Our<br />

docurncntation section has also produced<br />

two case studies; volume one during the<br />

National Scniinar on Child Abuse & N~glect<br />

and the otlier during the zonal workshop on<br />

Street Children and Slum Children.<br />

Research & case studies. - Field survey to<br />

assrss the living and service condition of<br />

maid servants and child servants has been<br />

conducted during tlie year. More than 200<br />

persons were interviewed in about 8 slums<br />

in dillerent areas of Calcutta. Case studies<br />

on Atrocities on Women is being compiled<br />

at the moment.<br />

(l'-112 1.ake Terrace, Calcutta 700 029,<br />

India I<br />

ft notre nation, que nous considkrons com-<br />

me Ie moyen et I'objectif de notre affirma-<br />

tion concrete.<br />

SI nous avons choisi Ie non1 YEnllui; (qu~<br />

veut dire liaison cn catalan) c'est parce que<br />

nous croyons qu'il cxiste partout dilferents<br />

ccntrcs de dynamismc t rt 6loign6s les uns<br />

des autrcs. Nous croyons qu'il faut Ics rclier<br />

et clever Icur potentiel d'action afin quc les<br />

pays Catalans tous ensemble puissent<br />

s'autogCrer.<br />

Depuis son engine, cn 1973, En~llaf a centre<br />

sa lt'iclie sur deux points:<br />

Appuycr Ies personnes qui sont l'el6n1cnt<br />

dynamique de leur village ou de Icur con-<br />

tree<br />

Appuyer les initiiilivcs aitistiques qui<br />

naissent, par exeniple la chanson, les ma-<br />

A partir dc 1978, nous nous somnies red

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