ifda dossier 74 - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

ifda dossier 74 - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

ifda dossier 74 - Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation


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diferenles actividaiics. Agradecen~os SLI continuo y frccuente envio. la informaci6n y el<br />

mpulso para continuar en esta lucha por una niejor calidad de vida. I.es dcscanios niucho<br />

exit(> y larga vida.<br />

I,uz Miirinii Miirtine~ Hernandc~. Grupo Rcologico Itag~if<br />

From Makeni, Sierra Ikone<br />

I have received IFDA Dossier every other month for over a year and I would like to thank<br />

you. I would like to congratulate the editorial staff of IFDA for the Dossier's valuable<br />

infomiation on development throughout the world. 1 have been assigned to lecture<br />

Community Development Studies (CDS) in the Makeni Teachers College and all ihc<br />

students in n~y classes are using the Dossier as an important reference book. Once again,<br />

I would like to t:ike this opportunity to thank you for this important task of helping us in<br />

the Third World with such resource material in a situation where it is getting more and<br />

more expensive to huy ;I text book. Please keep it up!<br />

Millon A. Koroniii<br />

Je vous rcniercic pour vos bulletins IFDA Dossier envoyes rCguli?remmt. ils sont tr5s utiles<br />

6galc111cnt :iux ~in:ilyses de notre propre situation. II est tr?s 6lonn.int que Ics prohlfin~es<br />

souleves dans de nonihreux articles de votre bulletin, leurs contenus et methodologies sotit<br />

2 l'ordinait-c coTncidcnts avec les problenies qui surgisscnt en Pologne pendant que la<br />

v:iguc dcs n~cnaccs gr;indit et les transforn~ations ont lieu. Cependant - il ne taut pas<br />

ouhlicr cela - Ics solutions propices et positives doivent surtout prendre en consideration<br />

1.1 sptcificitk culturclle de l;i nation, sa position gco-politique et son orientation historique.<br />

Je voudrais encore dire que dans Ie numero 72. je trouve fascinant I'article d3Antonio<br />

Colomer Vi;idd qui reltve 1e paradigme pour Ie modiMe sociologiquc ou directement un<br />

nouveau sens du travail qui permet de construire un autre dcveloppement dans les<br />

dimensions de 1.1 convergence universelle de la "socitte con~~nuniciitionnelle" hasee sur la<br />

communication integratrice et participative.<br />

J6mf Gala~ka<br />

From Yola, Nigeria<br />

I wish to use this medium to express my profound ;ippreciations for having received copies<br />

of the IFDA Dossier free of charge. The few copies I have read has convinced me that<br />

1FDA is prepared to take development to the grassroot and in its real terms. Issues<br />

discussed in this magazine liave served as an eye-opener to me ie. issues relating to<br />

environmental protection and destruction, world economic systems. the native scientific<br />

development and related topics.<br />

Moses Cnoli-ltiing. I'ed (iovt (iirls' College

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