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268<br />

MIS TKA. The Mini-Midvastus and the Modifi<br />

ed Mini-Subvastus can be techniques which<br />

can be applied to all patients regardless age,<br />

weight, and deformity.<br />



H. Delport<br />

Head Departament of Orthopaedics.<br />

AZ Waasland Sint Niklaas, Belgium<br />

The hype of MIS has resulted in the observation<br />

that most surgeons have reduced their<br />

incisions to smaller ones.<br />

Failure in alignment and position of the components<br />

is always visible on x-rays. Other non<br />

visible anatomic structures (nerves,vessels,<br />

ligaments,etc.) are at risk during the procedure<br />

and should be respected.<br />

Damaging the cutaneous nerves of the knee<br />

region can eventually lead to neurinoma<br />

formation. This not only gives raise to numb<br />

areas but occasionally can cause extreme<br />

pain.<br />

Some approaches are infl uencing the innervation<br />

of the vastus medialis. Different<br />

patterns of this nerve can be described.<br />

Saving the supra- and infra-patellar fat pad<br />

has several benefi ts. This is important for<br />

the patellar blood supply, but also has biomechanical<br />

implications.<br />

The medial supporting structures are to be<br />

respected. Care should also be taken to the<br />

postero-latertal corner during the balancing<br />

and releasing action in this area.<br />

Always remember the minimal distance between<br />

the posterior capsule and the popliteal<br />

arterty in extension and fl exion. As shown by<br />

prof.M.Prettenklieber (Vienna) the distance<br />

between the joint capsule and the popliteal<br />

artery is subject to a high degree of variations<br />

and ranges from 2 to 37 mm. It may even<br />

decrease in fl exion !<br />

Our message is :please take care of the<br />

important soft tissues during MIS Total Knee<br />

Replacement.<br />


D. A. Dennis, M.D.<br />

Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Biomedical<br />

Engineering, University of Tennessee<br />

Assistant Clinical Professor, University<br />

of Colorado Health Sciences Center<br />

Clinical Director, Rocky Mountain Musculoskeletal<br />

Research Laboratory<br />

Denver, Colorado, USA<br />

I. TKA Goals<br />

A. Optimize Function & Survivors<strong>hip</strong><br />

B. Accelerate Recovery<br />

1. As Long As No Compromise In Function<br />

or Survivors<strong>hip</strong>!!<br />

II. MIS TKA Proposed Advantages<br />

A. Quicker Recovery<br />

B. Reduced Length of Stay<br />

C. Reduced Blood Loss<br />

D. Better Early Quad Function<br />

E. Less Discomfort<br />

III. MIS TKA Potential Disadvantages<br />

A. Component Malposition<br />

B. Inferior Ligamentous Balance<br />

C. Inferior Cementation / Fixation<br />

D. Inferior Long Term Results<br />

E. Increased Perioperative Complications<br />

IV. Author’s Hypotheses<br />

A. Quicker Recovery / ↓ Length of Stay<br />

Overstated<br />

B. ↑ Technical Errors & Complications Will<br />

Occur Resulting In Inferior Long-Term<br />

Clinical Results With Technology and<br />

Techniques Currently Utilized<br />

V. Complications I’ve Observed<br />

A. Component Loosening (18 Months<br />


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