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For this piece, I play around with various

ideas before settling on a haunted house

theme. I want to draw something I haven’t

before (I draw a lot of pirates!), a drawing

that is appealing and fun with lots of

potential for conflict and drama. I can easily

imagine a group of kids exploring an old

haunted manor—this seems like a perfect

idea to build on.

hard round brush. Sometimes I use an oil

brush and spatter brush if needed.

Now let’s get started with the foundation of

any illustration—the idea!



Illustration is the art of conveying an idea

or a story moment in a single image. We

don’t have the luxury of time or sound, like

an animated film does. Instead, we need

to focus on the limited elements we can

control, such as composition, character

performances, color, and tone to convey our

idea successfully.

Much of my work is client based and in

those cases a client comes to me with an

idea in mind for me to articulate. In my own

personal work, however, I wait for a moment

of inspiration to hit, an image in my mind

of a story unfolding that I am compelled to

draw! My goal is to find an idea that is fun

and appealing to me that has a clear story

moment with enough ingredients to be

exciting visually.

Alongside the story, I need to consider the

purpose behind this illustration. Is it just to

entertain or does it need to serve another

purpose? In this case, I want my drawing

to entertain and be a useful tool for this

tutorial, effectively showing my process for

creating a character driven illustration.

I tend to mull over an idea for a while before

drawing anything. I write down notes or

ideas that come to me about how best to

approach the illustration. By first visualizing

a scene in my mind, I can think through the

different elements and allow any quirky

ideas to surface.

I often bring influences from my childhood

into my work; my designs are heavily

inspired by these memories. I was a fan of

The Three Investigators and The Hardy Boys

books. I love the concept of a group of kids

going on adventures and solving mysteries.

This is also tied to my love of films like The

Goonies and other similar 1980s adventure

films. TV shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer

and Stranger Things are also on my mind

alongside a general vibe of kids’ Saturday

morning TV shows.

I also like reading mysteries and a bit of

horror. The past few years I’ve been getting

into Stephen King and Ray Bradbury—their



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