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I play around with the scene lighting, using

the flashlight as a focal point with a high

point of contrast, also adjusting the lines of

the light pointing toward the characters. I

want the lighting to create enough murky

shadows that the background is somewhat

ambiguous, contributing to that creepy

vibe. I desaturate my color thumbnail and

play with the lighting in greyscale only. I

want to make sure I have a strong value

structure underneath everything. Color can

be a bit distracting; by working in greyscale

I can see the values more clearly.

Lastly, I experiment with an alternate

color palette, trying a pinkish ghost and

other changes. I decide my first thumbnail

works best overall. It has a nice split

complementary color scheme that adds to

the atmosphere and mood I want.


Working from your favorite thumbnail

sketch, begin to explore color and lighting

options. Think about what best suits the

mood of your story moment and how to

use color and light to lead the eye through

the image. Also consider the setting and

how to make it a more effective stage for

the characters to perform on.

Working in greyscale

can help to see the

values more clearly.

I test a different color

palette with a pinkish

ghost, but decide my

first version works best.

136 21DRAW

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