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When a client or studio hires a character

designer, they’re not simply choosing based

on technical skill, they’re also looking for an

artist that can think through the process.

Consequently, a strong portfolio needs to

provide insight into your conceptual process.

Any good design starts from an artist

brief or a good understanding of who

the character is meant to be in the story.

Here is an example of a brief I created for a

personal project designing characters for a

hypothetical Dungeon & Dragons campaign:

A gnome-like wizard whose magic is nature

based. She is a friendly and nurturing

character who is devoted to seeking

knowledge about magic from sources near

and far.

In my mind, sketches and thumbnails

help to pull ideas from your brain so you

can place them onto the canvas. They

only need to communicate your ideas

effectively, so sketches for my personal

projects are pretty rough because I’m the

only one who needs to see them. Sketches

for clients are usually a bit neater because I

need to be sure they can see what I have in

mind. Once I’ve narrowed my ideas down

to a concept I really like, I start to focus in

on the details.

Over the next few pages is the evolution

of a character from sketch to final design.

See if you can tell what design choices were

made in order to better communicate the

character as she was described in the brief.

Step 1: Thumbnail sketches



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