Financial Report - Moreno Valley

Financial Report - Moreno Valley

Financial Report - Moreno Valley


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Revenues:<br />

Taxes:<br />

City of <strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />

Budgetary Comparison Schedule<br />

2007 Towngate Improvement Refunding<br />

Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

Variance with<br />

Final Budget<br />

Budget Amounts Actual Positive<br />

Original Final Amounts (Negative)<br />

Other taxes $ 114,400 $ 114,400 $ 112,162 $ (2,238)<br />

Use of money and property 100<br />

100<br />

64<br />

(36)<br />

Total Revenues 114,500 114,500 112,226<br />

(2,274)<br />

Expenditures:<br />

Debt service:<br />

Principal retirement 195,000<br />

Interest and fiscal charges 160,300<br />

Total Expenditures 355,300<br />

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues<br />

Over (Under) Expenditures (240,800)<br />

Other Financing Sources (Uses):<br />

Transfers in 279,500<br />

Transfers out (38,250)<br />

Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 241,250<br />

Net Change in Fund Balances 450<br />

Fund Balances, Beginning of Year 820,975<br />

195,000<br />

160,300<br />

355,300<br />

(240,800)<br />

279,500<br />

(38,250)<br />

241,250<br />

450<br />

820,975<br />

195,000<br />

160,375<br />

355,375<br />

(243,149)<br />

276,459<br />

(47,480)<br />

228,979<br />

(14,170)<br />

820,975<br />

-<br />

(75)<br />

(75)<br />

(2,349)<br />

(3,041)<br />

(9,230)<br />

(12,271)<br />

(14,620)<br />

Fund Balances, End of Year $ 821,425 $ 821,425 $ 806,805 $ (14,620)<br />

158<br />


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