Financial Report - Moreno Valley

Financial Report - Moreno Valley

Financial Report - Moreno Valley


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Revenues:<br />

Taxes:<br />

City of <strong>Moreno</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />

Budgetary Comparison Statement<br />

General Fund<br />

Year Ended June 30, 2011<br />

Variance with<br />

Final Budget<br />

Budget Amounts Actual Positive<br />

Original Final Amounts (Negative)<br />

Property taxes $ 8,596,100 $ 8,596,100 $ 9,430,846 $ 834,746<br />

Property taxes in-lieu 11,773,400 11,773,400 13,055,796 1,282,396<br />

Sales taxes 9,735,100 9,735,100 11,283,435 1,548,335<br />

Utility user's tax 15,200,000 15,200,000 15,317,439 117,439<br />

Other taxes 6,556,500 6,556,500 7,209,262 652,762<br />

Licenses and permits 1,500,600 1,500,600 1,532,514<br />

31,914<br />

Intergovernmental 360,000 360,000 895,366 535,366<br />

Charges for services 8,439,000 8,442,656 7,408,607 (1,034,049)<br />

Use of money and property 4,527,900 4,532,300 3,886,420 (645,880)<br />

Fines and forfeitures 1,176,500 1,176,500 791,497 (385,003)<br />

Miscellaneous 105,300 105,300 682,959 577,659<br />

Total Revenues: 67,970,400 67,978,456 71,494,141 3,515,685<br />

Expenditures:<br />

Current:<br />

General government<br />

City council 579,922<br />

City manager 850,396<br />

City clerk 521,486<br />

City attorney 1,015,407<br />

Economic development 436,287<br />

<strong>Financial</strong> and administrative services 2,676,900<br />

Human resources 958,505<br />

Non-departmental 3,640,525<br />

Public safety<br />

Police 41,291,771<br />

Fire 15,666,535<br />

Animal services 2,269,940<br />

Emergency operations/volunteer services 605,166<br />

Crossing guards 583,439<br />

Community development 4,544,070<br />

Public works 3,528,195<br />

Capital outlay 130,100<br />

Total Expenditures 79,298,644<br />

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues<br />

Over (Under) Expenditures (11,328,244)<br />

Other Financing Sources (Uses):<br />

Transfers in (note 7) 263,000<br />

Transfers out (note 7) (1,582,740)<br />

Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (1,319,740)<br />

Net Change in Fund Balances (12,647,984)<br />

Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 51,289,539<br />

581,564<br />

896,175<br />

521,486<br />

1,090,407<br />

482,774<br />

2,696,813<br />

958,505<br />

3,517,071<br />

41,870,739<br />

15,466,535<br />

2,280,118<br />

609,566<br />

583,439<br />

4,545,270<br />

3,528,195<br />

555,556<br />

80,184,213<br />

(12,205,757)<br />

263,000<br />

(2,513,040)<br />

(2,250,040)<br />

(14,455,797)<br />

51,289,539<br />

513,868<br />

726,440<br />

507,398<br />

1,034,442<br />

391,451<br />

2,694,398<br />

923,964<br />

2,800,066<br />

39,104,174<br />

14,793,909<br />

2,214,243<br />

610,084<br />

566,063<br />

4,235,300<br />

3,413,488<br />

56,406<br />

74,585,694<br />

(3,091,553)<br />

773,051<br />

(2,605,518)<br />

(1,832,467)<br />

(4,924,020)<br />

51,289,539<br />

67,696<br />

169,735<br />

14,088<br />

55,965<br />

91,323<br />

2,415<br />

34,541<br />

717,005<br />

2,766,565<br />

672,626<br />

65,875<br />

(518)<br />

17,376<br />

309,970<br />

114,707<br />

499,150<br />

5,598,519<br />

9,114,204<br />

510,051<br />

(92,478)<br />

417,573<br />

9,531,777<br />

Fund Balance, End of Year $ 38,641,555 $ 36,833,742 $ 46,365,519 $ 9,531,777<br />

See Notes to <strong>Financial</strong> Statements 27<br />


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