ZMBH J.Bericht 2000 - Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der ...

ZMBH J.Bericht 2000 - Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der ...

ZMBH J.Bericht 2000 - Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der ...


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Figure 4. Loss of nuclear import of DHBV core protein<br />

after mutational changes in its nuclear import signal. (A)<br />

Schematic representation of the GPF-fusion used and the<br />

mutation introduced (215RRRKVK220 → RGGEVK). (B)<br />

Cellular distribution of wild type (RRK; left panel) and<br />

mutant (GGE; right panel) in transfected HuH7 cells. GFP<br />

fluorescence in live cells was analyzed using a confocal<br />

microscope, at day 1 post transfection.<br />

the infected cell, thereby preventing abortive nuclear<br />

accumulation of capsids as observed in chronic HBV<br />

patients and in HBV transgenic mice. On the other<br />

hand, we have observed DHBc accumulation in distinct<br />

nuclear dots (particularly early in infection).<br />

These dots also accumulate pregenomic DHBV RNA,<br />

suggesting a role in RNA maturation and nuclear<br />

export.<br />

V. Envelope-independent membrane-binding<br />

preceeds budding and secretion of mature<br />

hepadnaviral nucleocapsids<br />

H. Mabit<br />

Hepadnaviruses are DNA viruses, but as pararetroviruses,<br />

their morphogenesis initiates with the encapsi-<br />

120<br />

dation of a RNA pregenome and these viruses have<br />

therefore evolved mechanisms to exclude immature<br />

nucleocapsids from participating in budding and secretion.<br />

Using the duck virus model and a flotation assay,<br />

we provide evidence that binding of cytoplasmic core<br />

particles to their target membrane is a distinct step<br />

in morphogenesis, discriminating different populations<br />

of intracellular capsids. The membrane-associated<br />

subpopulation contained largely mature, double<br />

stranded DNA genomes and was devoid of detectable<br />

core protein phosphorylation, both features characteristic<br />

for secreted virions. Against expectation, however,<br />

the selective membrane attachment observed did<br />

not require the presence of the large DHBV envelope<br />

protein, whose interaction has been implicated to be<br />

crucial for selective nucleocapsid-membrane interaction.<br />

Furthermore, removal of surface-exposed phosphate<br />

residues from non-floating capsids, did by itself<br />

not suffice to confer membrane affinity. Collectively,<br />

these observations argue for a model in which nucleocapsid<br />

maturation, involving the viral genome, the<br />

phosphorylation state, and the structure of the capsid,<br />

leads to the exposure of a membrane-binding signal as<br />

an initial step crucial for selecting nucleocapsids destined<br />

to be enveloped and secreted.<br />

VI. Recombinant hepadnaviruses as vectors<br />

for hepatocyte-directed gene transfer<br />

U. Protzer, U. Klöcker, A. Frank, in collaboration<br />

with M. Nassal, Med. Uniklinik Freiburg<br />

Being hepatropic and non-cytopathic viruses, the<br />

hepadnaviruses have been envisaged for many years<br />

to be potential candidates for the development of livertargeted<br />

viral vectors. However, due to the compact<br />

organization of the viral genome (3 kb with overlapping<br />

genes and numerous cis-acting sequence ele-<br />

ments), realization of this potential proved to be rather<br />

difficult. We have now demonstrated that, by appropriate<br />

design (i.e. replacement of the S-gene), recombinant<br />

replication-defective HBVs and DHBVs can be<br />

generated which specifically infect hepatocytes, and<br />

transduce and express foreign genes un<strong>der</strong> control of<br />

an endogenous viral promoter. Exclusive expression<br />

of the transgenes in hepatocytes, but not in non-parenchymal<br />

liver cells, confirmed the predicted tissue- and<br />

cell-type specificity.<br />

Being produced at rather high titers (ca.10 8 /ml),<br />

recombinant hepadnaviruses are useful tools for experimental<br />

gene transfer in hepatocyte cultures and for<br />

the study of hepadnaviral infection and its therapeutic<br />

treatment. For example, genetically marked DHBVs<br />

were used to demonstrate superinfection of hepatocytes<br />

with an established hepadnaviral infection. Furthermore,<br />

expression of a type I interferon, a secreted<br />

protein of therapeutic use, from such a vector interfered<br />

with the replication of the resident virus (Fig.5).<br />

These data introduce the use of local cytokine produc-<br />

Figure 5. Therapeutic effect of a recombinant DHBV transducing<br />

an interferon gene. Preinfected duck hepatocytes<br />

were superinfected at various ratios (moi) with rDHBV-<br />

IFN or with rDHBV-GFP as a negative control. The time<br />

course of progeny virus release is shown.<br />

tion by HBV-mediated gene transfer as a new concept<br />

for the treatment of acquired liver diseases, including<br />

chronic hepatitis B. Finally, by developing genetically<br />

marked hepadnaviruses, provide a simple assay to the<br />

identification of infectable cells, and the opportunity<br />

for gene transfer approaches in searching for the missing<br />

DHBV-coreceptor or other missing co-factors.<br />

VII. A spring-loaded topology of the large<br />

envelope protein of Duck hepatitis B<br />

virus<br />

In collaboration with E. Grgacic, Melbourne<br />

The structure and fusion potential of the duck hepatitis<br />

B virus (DHBV) envelope proteins was examined<br />

by treating viral particles with deforming agents<br />

known to release envelope proteins of viruses from<br />

a metastable to a fusion-active state. Exposure of<br />

DHBV particles to low pH triggered a major structural<br />

change in the large envelope protein (L) resulting in<br />

exposure of a new trypsin cleavage site within its<br />

S domain, but without affecting the same region in<br />

the small surface protein (S) subunits. This conformational<br />

change was associated with increased hydrophobicity<br />

of the particle surface most likely arising<br />

from surface exposure of the hydrophobic first transmembrane<br />

domain. In the hydrophobic conformation,<br />

DHBV particles were able to bind to liposomes and<br />

intact cells, while in their absence these particles<br />

aggregated, resulting in viral inactivation. These results<br />

suggest that some L molecules are in a spring-loaded<br />

metastable state which, when released, expose a previously<br />

hidden hydrophobic domain, a transition potentially<br />

representing the fusion active state of the envelope.<br />


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