ZMBH J.Bericht 2000 - Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der ...

ZMBH J.Bericht 2000 - Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der ...

ZMBH J.Bericht 2000 - Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der ...


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GPI-anchor. Moreover, in collaboration with D. Soldati<br />

(<strong>ZMBH</strong>), we have generated several recombinant<br />

Toxoplasma gondii strains that also expose at the<br />

surface full size MSP-1, the p42 or the p19 processing<br />

product, respectively. In both, the HeLa cell and<br />

the T.gondii system, monoclonal antibodies directed<br />

towards conformational epitopes of MSP-1 interact<br />

efficiently with the protein at the surface of the respective<br />

cells. Nevertheless, so far we were neither able<br />

to unequivocally demonstrate an interaction between<br />

MSP-1 and erythrocytes nor can we definitely rule out<br />

such interactions. The failure to reveal the putative<br />

affinity may be due to a number of reasons. We, therefore,<br />

will further pursue these studies.<br />

External Funding<br />

During the period reported, our research was supported<br />

by grants from the BMBF (Forschungsschwerpunkt<br />

Tropenmedizin), the Volkswagen-Stiftung, the<br />

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 544 “Kontrolle<br />

tropischer Infektionskrankheiten” and Projekt-<br />

’Sachbeihilfen’), from the EU, the BioRegion Rhein-<br />

Neckar (BMBF - Fa. Knoll AG) and the Fonds <strong>der</strong><br />

Chemischen Industrie Deutschlands.<br />


Tremblay, P., Meiner, Z., Galou, M., Heinrich, C.,<br />

Petromilli, C., Lisse, T., Cayateno, J., Torchia, M.,<br />

Mobley, W., Bujard, H., DeArmond, S.J. and Prusiner,<br />

S.B. (1998). Doxycycline control of prion protein<br />

transgene expression modulates prion disease in mice.<br />

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 12580-12585.<br />

Baron, U., Schnappinger, D., Helbl, V., Gossen, M.,<br />

Hillen, W. and Bujard, H. (1999). Generation of conditional<br />

mutants in higher eukaryotes by switching<br />

52<br />

between the expression of two genes. Proc. Natl.<br />

Acad. Sci. USA 96, 1013-1018<br />

Freundlieb, S., Schirra-Müller, C. and Bujard, H.<br />

(1999). A tetracycline controlled activation /repression<br />

system for mammalian cells. J. Gene Med. 1, 4-12.<br />

Pan, W., Ravot, E., Tolle, R., Frank, R., Mosbach, R.,<br />

Türbachova, I. and Bujard, H. (1999). Vaccine candidate<br />

MSP-1 from Plasmodium falciparum: a redesigned<br />

4917 bp polynucleotide enables synthesis and<br />

isolation of full length protein from E.coli and mammalian<br />

cells. Nucl. Acids Res. 27, 1094-1103.<br />

Redfern, C.H., Coward, P., Degtyarev, M.Y., Lee, E.K.,<br />

Kwa, A., Hennighausen, L., Bujard, H., Fishman, G.I.<br />

and Conklin, B.R. (1999). In vivo conditional expression<br />

and signaling of a specifically designed G i -coupled<br />

receptor. Nature Biotech. 17, 165-169.<br />

Burghaus, P.A., Gerold, P., Pan, W., Schwarz, R.T.,<br />

Lingelbach, K. and Bujard, H. (1999). Analysis of<br />

recombinant merozoite surface protein-1 of Plasmodium<br />

falciparum expressed in mammalian cells. Mol.<br />

Biochem. Parasitol. 104, 171-183.<br />

Lavon, I., Goldberg, I., Amit, S., Landsman, L., Jung,<br />

S., Tsuberi, B., Barshack, I., Kopolovic, J., Galun, E.,<br />

Bujard, H. and Ben-Neriah, Y. (<strong>2000</strong>) High susceptibility<br />

to bacterial infection, but no liver dysfunction,<br />

in mice compromised for hepatocyte NF-κB activation.<br />

Nat. Med. 6, 573-577.<br />

Baron, U. and Bujard, H. (<strong>2000</strong>) The Tet repressor<br />

based system for regulated gene expression in eukaryotic<br />

cells: principles and advances. Methods Enzymol.<br />

327, 659-686.<br />

Mansuy, I. and Bujard, H. (<strong>2000</strong>) Tetracycline-regulated<br />

gene expression in the brain. Curr. Op. Neurobiol.,<br />

in press.<br />

Urlinger, S., Baron, U., Thellmann, M., Hasan, M.,<br />

Bujard, H. and Hillen, W. (<strong>2000</strong>). Exploring the<br />

sequence space for tetracycline dependent transcriptional<br />

activators: novel mutations yield expanded<br />

range and sensitivity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 97,<br />

7963-68.<br />

THESES<br />

Diploma<br />

Epp, Christian (1998): Analyse <strong>der</strong> humoralen Immunantwort<br />

von Aotus-Affen gegen eine Immunisie–<br />

rung mit MSP-1 aus Plasmodium falciparum<br />

Schönig, Kai (1998): Konstruktion und Analyse von<br />

„integrierten Regulationseinheiten“ zur Tetrazyklin<br />

kontrollierten Genexpression in Säugerzellen<br />

Schmid, Christina (1999): Untersuchungen zum Oberflächenprotein<br />

1 von Merozoiten (MSP-1) des Mala–<br />

riaerregers Plasmodium falciparum: Kontrollierte Synthese<br />

des 42kDa-Fragments in Säugerzellen<br />

Dissertation<br />

Baron, Udo (1998): Weiterentwicklung <strong>der</strong> Methodik<br />

<strong>der</strong> Tetrazyklin-kontrollierten Genexpression zur Ana–<br />

lyse <strong>der</strong> Funktion von Genen in komplexen eukaryotischen<br />

Systemen.<br />

Awards<br />

Ruperto Carola Preis 1998 <strong>der</strong> Universität Heidelberg,<br />

for outstanding PhD Thesis to Udo Baron<br />


E-mail: bujardh@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de<br />

Group lea<strong>der</strong> Bujard, Hermann, Prof. Dr.<br />

Guest scientist del Portillo, Hernando, Prof. Dr.*<br />

Research<br />

Associate Freundlieb, Sabine, Dr.<br />

Postdoctoral Baron, Udo, PhD<br />

fellows Fernandez-Becerra, Carmen, PhD*<br />

Hasan, Mazahir, PhD*<br />

Löw, Rainer, PhD*<br />

Weerasuriya, Siromi, PhD*<br />

Ph.D. students Berger, Stefan, Dipl.Chem.<br />

Epp, Christian, Dipl.Biol.<br />

Idler, Irina, Dipl.Biol.*<br />

Kolster, Kathrin, Dipl.Biol.*<br />

Schönig, Kai, Dipl.Biol.<br />

Türbachova, Ivana, Dipl.Biol.<br />

Westerfeld, Nicole, Dipl.Biol.<br />

Diploma<br />

students Baldinger, Tina*<br />

Schmid, Christina*<br />

Techn. assistants Rittirsch, Melanie*<br />

Schirra-Müller, Christiane<br />

Wahedy, Soraya*<br />

* part of the time reported<br />


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