ZMBH J.Bericht 2000 - Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der ...

ZMBH J.Bericht 2000 - Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der ...

ZMBH J.Bericht 2000 - Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der ...


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vascular tone, protect neurons and muscles from ischemia,<br />

and are responsive to leptin. K ATP channels have<br />

an unusual octameric stoichiometry consisting of four<br />

pore-lining inward rectifier a α subunits (Kir6.1/6.2;<br />

two transmembrane segments) like other K+ channels,<br />

but also contain four regulatory sulphonylureabinding<br />

ß subunits (SUR1/2A/2B; probably seventeen<br />

transmembrane segments) that belong to the ATPbinding<br />

cassette (ABC) family of proteins.<br />

We found that only octameric K ATP channel complexes<br />

were capable of expressing on the cell surface, implying<br />

that quality control mechanisms must exist to prevent<br />

monomers and partial complexes from expressing<br />

on the cell surface. Surprisingly, we found that<br />

the primary quality control mechanism during K ATP<br />

assembly did not involve ER degradation or ER chaperones,<br />

but rather the exposure of an ER retention/<br />

retrieval signal (RKR) present in cytosolic domains<br />

of each subunit. Mutating the retention sequences did<br />

not affect protein levels, but allowed surface expression<br />

of monomers and partially assembled complexes,<br />

including improperly gated channel combinations. We<br />

further showed that the RKR trafficking signal was<br />

functional in a variety of eukaryotic cells including<br />

yeast, mammalian cells, and Xenopus oocytes. Interestingly,<br />

this RKR motif did not require proximity<br />

to the N- or C-terminus like all other known ER<br />

retention/retrieval signals and may, therefore, be more<br />

common. In conclusion, quality control during K ATP<br />

assembly is mediated by a short trafficking signal<br />

whose exposure reflects the assembly state of the<br />

channel. These results provide a clear example of how<br />

a trafficking checkpoint serves as an important quality<br />

control mechanism during the assembly of an ion<br />

channel complex. Furthermore, they identify a new<br />

ER retention/retrieval motif that could explain transient<br />

or permanent ER localization of many proteins.<br />

130<br />

Our current projects are designed to better define this<br />

new class of ER retention/retrieval signals, to extend<br />

the analysis of their role in assembly-dependent trafficking<br />

using K ATP channels as a model system, and<br />

to identify and characterize the molecular machinery<br />

that recognizes this class of signals.<br />


Schwappach B., Stobrawa S., Hechenberger M., Steinmeyer<br />

K., and Jentsch T.J. (1998). Golgi Localization<br />

and functionally important domains in the NH 2 and<br />

COOH terminus of the yeast CLC putative chloride<br />

channel Gef1p. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 15110–15118.<br />

Zerangue N.*, Schwappach B.*, Jan Y.N., and Jan<br />

L.Y. (1999). A new ER trafficking signal regulates<br />

the subunit stoichiometry of plasma membrane K ATP<br />

channels. Neuron 22, 537-548 (*these authors contributed<br />

equally).<br />

Schwappach, B.*, Zerangue, N.* Jan Y.N., and Jan<br />

L.Y. (<strong>2000</strong>). Molecular basis for K ATP assembly: transmembrane<br />

interactions mediate association of a K +<br />

channel with an ABC transporter. Neuron 26, 155-167<br />

(*these authors contributed equally).<br />


E-mail: b.schwappach@zmbh.uni-heidelberg.de<br />

Group lea<strong>der</strong> Schwappach, Blanche, Dr.*<br />

Ph.D. student Yuan, Hebao, M.A.*<br />

Techn. assistant Metz, Jutta*<br />

* since July/August <strong>2000</strong><br />

Dominique Soldati<br />

Cell and Molecular Biology of the Obligate<br />

Intracellular Parasite Toxoplasma<br />

gondii<br />

Apicomplexan parasites are of enormous medical<br />

and veterinary significance, being responsible for a<br />

wide variety of diseases including malaria, toxoplasmosis,<br />

coccidiosis and cryptosporidiosis. Successful<br />

attachment and invasion of the host cells are key to<br />

the survival of these obligate intracellular parasites.<br />

T. gondii, the most ubiquitous of the Apicomplexa,<br />

has developed a remarkable ability to actively penetrate<br />

almost any nucleated cells from virtually all<br />

warm-blooded animals. Most invasive forms of the<br />

Apicomplexa share a common set of apical structures<br />

and exhibit an unusual form of substrate-dependent<br />

gliding motility as an adaptative mechanism to<br />

actively penetrate host cells. In absence of locomotive<br />

organelles such as cilia or flagella, the basic<br />

engine for gliding locomotion is the actin cytoskeleton<br />

and involves myosin(s) to generate the mechanochemical<br />

force along the actin filaments, allowing<br />

parasites to move at rates from 1 to 10 micrometers<br />

per second.<br />

Successive exocytosis of regulated compartments<br />

including rhoptries and micronemes is part of the<br />

invasion process. Micronemal proteins are apparently<br />

used for host-cell recognition, binding, and possibly<br />

motility, while rhoptry and dense granule proteins<br />

contribute to the parasitophorous vacuole formation<br />

and its remodeling into a metabolically active compartment.<br />

Release by micronemes occurs in the earliest<br />

phase of invasion, upon contact with the host cells<br />

and raise in intracellular Ca 2+ .<br />

Molecular motors, adhesins and proteases are among<br />

the distinct classes of genes coding for invasion factors.<br />

These genes are anticipated to be essential for<br />

the survival of these parasites and therefore the ability<br />

to conditionally turn on or off their expression is<br />

prerequisite for their in vivo studies.<br />

I. Myosins: molecular motors in Apicomplexa<br />

parasites<br />

Five myosins of T. gondii and three myosins of P. falciparum<br />

have been identified so far. These unconventional<br />

myosins are the foun<strong>der</strong>s of a novel phylogenetic<br />

and structural class of myosin (XIV), restricted<br />

to the Apicomplexa. Members of this class are small<br />

with molecular weights ranging between 90 and 125<br />

kDa and exhibit unusual structural features.<br />

Myosins have been implicated either genetically, biochemically<br />

or by cytolocalization in a variety of cellular<br />

functions. Three distinct forms of gliding characterize<br />

T. gondii motility: circular gliding, upright<br />

twirling, and helical rotation. Inhibitors of actin filaments<br />

(cytochalasin D) and myosin ATPase (butanedione<br />

monoxime) disrupted all three forms of motility.<br />

When applied on intracellular parasites, these<br />

inhibitors also interfere with proper parasite division.<br />

To determine whether one of these myosins functions<br />

as a motor in actin-based gliding motility and<br />

plays a role in cell replication, we have examined<br />

their stage-specific pattern of expression, subcellular<br />

distribution and biochemical properties.<br />


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