Maternidade Segura - ABENFO-Nacional

Maternidade Segura - ABENFO-Nacional

Maternidade Segura - ABENFO-Nacional

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MATERNIDADE SEGURAhttp://www.abcdoparto.com.br/Assistencia/AssistenciaPartoNormal-OMS.htmPage 76 of 9323/4/2009Cohen GR, O´Brien WF, Lewis L, Knuppel RA. A prospectiverandomized study of the aggressive management of early labor. Am JObstet Gynaecol 1987; 157:1174-1177.Crawford JS. Some aspects of obstetric anesthesia. Br J Anaesth1956; 28:146-158, 201-208.Crowley P, Elbourne DR, Ashhurst H, Garcia J, Murphy D,Duignam N. Delivery in an obstetric birth chair: a randomizedcontrolled trial. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1991; 98:667-674.Crowther C, Enkin M, Keirse MJNC, Brown I. Monitoring theprogress of labour. In: Chalmers I et al (eds). Effective care in pregnancyand childbirth. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1989.Cunningham FG, MacDonald PC, Gant NF. Williams Obstetrics,18th ed. East Norwalk, Appleton 1989.Curzen P, Bekir JS, McLintock DG, Patel M. Reljability ofcardiotocography in predicting baby´s condition at birth. Br Med J1984; 289:1345-1347.Dalen JE, Evans GL, Banas JS, Brooks HL Paraskos JA, DexterL. The hemodynamic and respiratory effects of diazepam (Valium).Anesthesiology 1969; 30:259-263.Daley D. The use of intramuscular ergometrine at the at he end ofthe second stage of normal labour. J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonwlth1951; 57:388-397.De Groot ANJA, Slort W, Van Roosmalen J. Assessment of therisk approach to maternity care in a district hospital in rural Tanzania.Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1993; 40:33-37.De Groot ANJA, Van Roosmalen J, Van Dongen PWJ, Borm GF.A placebo-controlled trial of oral ergometrine to reduce postpartumhemorrhage. Acta Obstet Gynaecol Scand 1996 (in press).De Leeuw NKM, Lowenstein L, Tucker EC, Dayal S. Correlationof red cell loss at delivery with changes in red cell mass. Am J ObstetGynaecol 1968;100: 1092-1101.Department of Health. Changing Childbirth report of the ExpertMaternity Group, HMSO.London 1993.De Snoo K, Leerboek der Verloskunde (Textbook of Obstetrics).Groningen, Wolters 1930.Diaz AG, Schwarcz R, Fescina R, Cadeyro-Barcia R. Vertical

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