01.10.2012 Aufrufe

dOCUMENTA - Buchhandlung Walther König

dOCUMENTA - Buchhandlung Walther König

dOCUMENTA - Buchhandlung Walther König


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Published on the occasion of<br />

<strong>dOCUMENTA</strong> (13) – Edited by<br />

Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev:<br />

Roman Ondák.<br />

Observations<br />

Cologne 2012. Quer-4to. 148 S.mit<br />

120 Abb., Ppbd.<br />

In his seminal work Observations<br />

(1995/2011) Ondák cut from a<br />

book- perhaps a monograph on<br />

perception – a series of details<br />

comprising images and captions.<br />

Presented on the gallery walls<br />

singly or combined in diptychs and<br />

triptychs, these cuttings form a<br />

universal vocabulary of individual<br />

and collective relationships and<br />

exchanges, of physical movements,<br />

mental projections, momentary<br />

intuitions, or suspended states<br />

of mind on which the artist’s<br />

research is grounded. Hung at<br />

various levels, the images and<br />

their laconic texts capture subtle,<br />

nuanced psychological situations<br />

and ordinary attitudes through a<br />

balanced combination of similar<br />

and contrasting gestures, postures,<br />

and gazes. The exhibition space is<br />

„edited“ by this intervention, and<br />

its indoor articulation reverberates<br />

with a constantly evoked outdoors,<br />

as well as in the recurrent<br />

„elsewhere“ revealed in the cutt -<br />

ings themselves. In these works,<br />

where micro and macro mirror<br />

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each other, Ondák does not<br />

provide an alternative to reality;<br />

rather, he gives the audience a key<br />

with which to access and identify<br />

the variety of different observations<br />

and interpretations that reality<br />

offers. On the occasion of dOCU-<br />

MENTA(13), „Observations“ is<br />

on view in its entirety for the first<br />

time, as an invitation, both giant<br />

and humble, to look.<br />

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Füsun Onur.<br />

Forew. by Carolyn Christov-<br />

Bakargiev. Text by Defne Ayas.<br />

Interview by Carolyn Christov-<br />

Bakargiev & Hans Ulrich Obrist.<br />

Cologne 2012. 4to. 280 S. mit 223<br />

farb. Abb., Ppbd. – Text in engl.<br />

& türk. Sprache.<br />

Spanning five decades, the oeuvre<br />

of Füsun Onur has retained a fiercely<br />

independent spirit. This book<br />

guides its reader through Onur’s<br />

artistic development by way of her<br />

own documentation, as it includes<br />

verlag der buchhandlung walther könig, köln

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