01.10.2012 Aufrufe

Kunst - Buchhandlung Walther König

Kunst - Buchhandlung Walther König

Kunst - Buchhandlung Walther König


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Brighton Picture Hunt. Catalogue. Brighton 2010. 64 S. mit 45 farb.<br />

Abb., Ppbd.<br />

„My plan had been to follow a photographer at the Argus, Brighton’s newspaper<br />

since 1880. But after the custom agent’s threat, I wasn’t sure what to<br />

do. Along with the legal predicament, I wasn’t feeling particularly inspired.<br />

After a couple of days of wandering around in the city without taking a<br />

single picture, I asked my seven-year-old daughter, Camen, to join me. After<br />

a while, she started taking pictures.“<br />

1454255 19,95<br />

THOMAS STRUTH PRÄSENTIERT: Deutsche Stadtbaukunst in der Gegenwart<br />

s. S. 115<br />


SERPENTINE GALLERY – Catalogue ed.<br />

by Sophie O’Brien & Melissa Larner.<br />

Forew. by Julia Peyton-Jones & Hans Ulrich<br />

Obrist. Texts by Michael Bracewell,<br />

Josef Strau. 4to. 128 S. mit 90 Abb.,<br />

brosch.<br />

Der von Wolfgang Tillmans selbst konzipierte<br />

und gestaltete Band gibt einen Gesamtüberblick<br />

über sein breitgefächertes<br />

künst lerisches Schaffen: Auf farbigen Tafeln<br />

werden neben den bekannten Portrait- und<br />

Landschaftsaufnahmen auch seine photographischen<br />

Stillleben und neuesten abstrakten Arbeiten präsentiert.<br />

1451336 19,80<br />

VERENE, CHRIS. Family. Text by Donald Phillip Verene. Santa Fe 2010.<br />

4to. 120 S. mit 75 farb. ganzseit. Abb., Ln.<br />

„Verene walks right into the lives of his folks, showing you how they are,<br />

without any embarrassment on either side. Their togetherness is taken for<br />

granted so openly that the viewer feels at each moment like one of them, a<br />

member of the clan. Verene’s color [is] tender, warm and sensual, though<br />

stops well short of being glamorous … flooding them all with a strange,<br />

sweet romance. These pictures convey his bittersweet fondness for a smaller<br />

world in which he grew up but no longer shares, but which has lessons to<br />

teach him about the inroads of ageing, disability and other difficulties. People<br />

do what they can to help each other and themselves, all from „leaking<br />

boats.“ Meanwhile, the dark room and the night bring tidings of their isolation.<br />

Many viewers are familiar with visits back home in this mood, which<br />

Verene renders luminous and fatal.“ Max Kozloff<br />

1454061 48,–<br />

Die Abbildung auf dem vorderen Umschlag entnahmen wir dem Buch RICH-<br />

TER, GERHARD. Sindbad. (s. Seite 10)<br />

Lieferbedingungen: Das Angebot ist freibleibend. Die Preise sind in Euro.<br />

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