09.04.2018 Aufrufe


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Literary Bilingualism of Slovenian Authors in Italy<br />


Where, among whom, when, and to what extent is the phenomenon of<br />

literary bilingualism present in Slovenian literature in Italy today? Is it<br />

merely an isolated, personal artistic choice made by writers with specific<br />

linguistic and multicultural competences, or is it a more general literary<br />

reflection of growing national assimilation among Slovenians in Italy?<br />

What generates and nourishes this literary “code switching”: issues of<br />

identity, culture, education, commerce, or reception? Is literary bilingualism<br />

totally balanced among Slovenian poets and novelists from Friuli<br />

Venezia Giulia that mainly or occasionally write in Italian? Moreover,<br />

where should their writing be located: as part of Italian literature, of<br />

Slovenian literature, or within the hybrid literature of the Adriatic<br />

frontier? These and similar questions are investigated by this presentation<br />

through a typological definition of Slovenian authors from the<br />

Trieste, Gorizia, and Udine areas that write in Italian and an analytical<br />

examination of the growing literary bilingualism among Slovenians in<br />

Italy.<br />


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