12.01.2013 Aufrufe

SJf_Wettbewerbs_Broschüre_2007 - Die Goldene Sonne am Calanda

SJf_Wettbewerbs_Broschüre_2007 - Die Goldene Sonne am Calanda

SJf_Wettbewerbs_Broschüre_2007 - Die Goldene Sonne am Calanda


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Lucas Brönnimann<br />

5415 Nussbaumen AG<br />

1988<br />

Physik / Technik<br />

Martin Lanter<br />

5400 Baden<br />

1987<br />

Aargauische Kantonsschule Baden<br />

Würdigung<br />

Lucas Brönnimann und Martin Lanter haben<br />

folgende mathematische Frage experimentell<br />

untersucht: Wie können<br />

Punkte mit maximalen Abständen auf der<br />

Oberfläche einer Kugel platziert werden?<br />

Mit zwei verschiedenen Methoden, unterschiedlichen<br />

physikalischen Interpretationen<br />

sowie der dazu notwendigen mit<br />

MATLAB selbst entwickelten Software<br />

sind sie diese Frage systematisch und<br />

eigenständig angegangen. Ihr grosser<br />

Einsatz hat zu sehr guten Resultaten geführt,<br />

die mit (einzeln vorhandenen) theoretischen<br />

Werten übereinstimmen.<br />

Prädikat<br />

Hervorragend<br />

Sonderpreis<br />

„European Union Contest<br />

for young Scientists“ in Valencia<br />

Sonderanerkennung<br />

Metrohm Stiftung Herisau<br />

Experte<br />

Dr. Stefan Niggli<br />

Mathematiklehrer, Kantonsschule Baden<br />

46<br />

Simulation on the sphere: Distribution of points and calculation of energy<br />

The following two related properties for a set of n points on a sphere are being investigated:<br />

1) The set has the maximum property if the minimal distance occurring between the points is<br />

maximal.<br />

2) Given a law of repelling forces, the configuration of points can reach an equilibrium with<br />

(globally or locally) extremal energy.<br />

While it is difficult to verify in general that the maximum property is satisfied, the energy criterion<br />

may be approximately checked by numerical simulation. The present investigation uses deterministic<br />

and stochastic simulations to find suitable approximations to extremal energy configurations<br />

as well as arrangements of points on the sphere enjoying the maximum property.<br />

The stochastic simulation mimics Darwinian Evolution. The deterministic one is inspired by<br />

Euler’s method for the solution of ODE’s.<br />

With the help of two independent methods it was possible to check our own results and find<br />

out, e.g., that only the tetrahedron, octahedron and icosahedron possess the maximum property<br />

<strong>am</strong>ong the platonic solids inscribed in a sphere. Using Darwinian Evolution or deterministic<br />

simulation, the cube is transformed into an antiprism, and the dodecahedron evolves into a triangulation<br />

of the sphere involving 20 vertices and 56 triangles.<br />

In the case of Hooke’s law, applied to repelling springs between n points, we found out that the<br />

energy can be kept constant while the points move in such a way that the center of gravity remains<br />

fixed in the center of the sphere.<br />

All the other simulations are based on Coulomb’s law.<br />

The simulations involve progr<strong>am</strong>ming of geometric algorithms such as finding the convex hull,<br />

distance matrices, various invariants of point configurations on the sphere, as well as 3-D plots.<br />

We discuss ex<strong>am</strong>ples involving Fullerenes with 24, 60 and 120 points, and a discussion of equilibrium<br />

configurations involving only triangles and quadrilaterals.

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