Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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88 Luptrawan et al.<br />

NK cells can kill cancer cells without prior sensitization. They are<br />

responsible for killing HLA class I–deficient tumor cells (38). In neoplastic<br />

conditions, HLA class I expression is often altered, breaking NK cell tolerance<br />

(5a). Ectopic HLA-G expression is a mechanism of tumor evasion of T and<br />

NK cell lysis (39) and is believed to protect the fetus from allorejection by<br />

maternal NK and T cells (5a). HLA-G is expressed on primary GBM and<br />

by established glioma cell lines (39). HLA-G expression causes glioma cells to<br />

be resistant to alloreactive CTL lysis and its inhibitory signals are strong enough<br />

to counteract NK-activating signals.<br />

NK and activated T cells regulate tumor growth via the Fas apoptosis<br />

pathway; however, tumor cells may disrupt this pathway at many levels within<br />

the signaling cascade (5a). Disruption of Fas-induced apoptosis or upregulation<br />

of FasL may provide tumor-cell protection to T lymphocyte–induced cell injury<br />

(5a). Decoy receptor 3 (DcR3) is expressed by brain tumors and inhibits Fasinduced<br />

apoptosis (40,41). Decreased expression of Fas or secretion of FasL<br />

decoy receptor, DcR3, by glioma cells inhibits death receptor–induced apoptosis.<br />

Tumor cells can cause T-cell apoptosis when they counterattack T cells by<br />

expressing FasL which engages Fas on the T-cell plasma membrane (5a).<br />



It is very difficult to therapeutically target every remaining individual tumor cell<br />

due to the disseminated nature of GBM. It is extremely important to eliminate all<br />

intracranial neoplastic foci left behind after surgical resection of the primary<br />

tumor (4). The use of the immune system to target residual tumor cells is one<br />

such strategy to enhance visibility of tumor cells to the immune system.<br />

In a phase I study, Yu and colleagues describe the use of a DC vaccine in<br />

patients with newly diagnosed high-grade glioma (42). After surgical resection<br />

and external-beam radiotherapy, nine patients were given a series of three DC<br />

vaccinations using DCs cultured from patients’ peripheral blood mononuclear<br />

cells (PBMC) pulsed ex vivo with autologous tumor cell-surface peptide isolated<br />

by means of acid elution. Each DC vaccination was given intradermally every<br />

other week over a six-week period. Four of the nine patients who had radiological<br />

evidence of disease progression underwent repeat surgery after receiving<br />

the third vaccination. Two of the four patients who underwent re-resection had<br />

robust infiltration of CD8 þ and CD45RO þ T cells which was not apparent in the<br />

tumor specimen resected prior to DC trial entry (Fig. 1). Comparison of longterm<br />

survival data between the study group and matched controls demonstrated<br />

an increase in median survival of 455 days versus 257 days for the control group,<br />

conferring some survival benefit after DC vaccination.<br />

Given the promising results and absence of observed autoimmune toxicity<br />

in the phase I study, Yu and colleagues expanded the study into a phase II<br />

trial (43). Fourteen patients with recurrent (12 patients) and newly diagnosed

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