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108 Luptrawan et al.<br />

66. Dunn GP, Bruce AT, Ikeda H, et al. Cancer immunoediting: from immunosurveillance<br />

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81. Tunici P, Irvin D, Liu G, et al. Brain tumor stem cells: new targets for clinical<br />

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82. Lake RA, Robinson BW. Immunotherapy and chemotherapy: a practical partnership.<br />

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83. Emens LA, Jaffee EM. Leveraging the activity of tumor vaccines with cytotoxic<br />

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84. Zou W. Immunosuppressive networks in the tumour environment and their therapeutic<br />

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85. Akasaki Y, Liu G, Chung NH, et al. Induction of a CD4þ T regulatory type 1 response<br />

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86. Rosenberg SA, Yang JC, Restifo NP. Cancer immunotherapy: moving beyond<br />

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