The history of King Philip's War

The history of King Philip's War

The history of King Philip's War


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[9]<br />

up, he fpy'd them a more at Sandy-point^ on the Ifland fide<br />

<strong>of</strong> the River, with a number <strong>of</strong> Horfe and Foot by them,<br />

and wondred what mould be the occafion; until he was<br />

afterwards informed, That the Boats had been over that<br />

Morning from the Ifland, and had landed a Party <strong>of</strong> Men<br />

at Fogland^ that were defign'd in Punkatees Neck to fetch<br />

<strong>of</strong>f fome Cattel and Horfes, but were Ambufcado'd, and<br />

many <strong>of</strong> them wounded by the Enemy. 87<br />

Now our Gentlemans Courage and Conduct were both<br />

put to the Teft, he incourages his Men; and orders fome<br />

to run and take a Wall to fhelter before the Enemy gain'd<br />

it. Twas time for them now to think <strong>of</strong> efcaping if they<br />

knew "which way. Mr. Church orders his Men to ftrip to<br />

their white Shirts, that the I/landers might difcover them<br />

to be Englilh Men; & then orders Three Guns to be fired<br />

diftinct, hoping it might be obferv'd by their friends on<br />

the opp<strong>of</strong>ite Shore. 88 <strong>The</strong> Men that were ordered to take<br />

85 Probably what is now designated affaulted by the fame Indians, and one<br />

as "McCarry's point," on the Portf- <strong>of</strong> the five Avas Capt. Churches Servant,<br />

mouth more, rather than that now called who had his Leg broke in the Skirmifh,<br />

"Sandy point," which is a mile and a the reft hardly efcaping with their lives :<br />

half further fouth. this was the firft time that ever any<br />

86 Foglcuid point is a fpur <strong>of</strong> land mifchief was done by the Indians upon<br />

projecting from the weftern fhore <strong>of</strong> Pocajfet Neck. Th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> Road-IJIand<br />

Punkatees neck, and reaching a third were hereby Alarmed to look to them-<br />

<strong>of</strong> the way acr<strong>of</strong>s Narraganfett river felves, as well as the reft <strong>of</strong> the Englifh<br />

toward Portfmouth on the ifland <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Plimoufh, or the Majfachufets Col-<br />

Rhode-Ifland. ony." [Narrative, 25.]<br />

87 Hubbard fays: "It feems in the 88 It was probably not over a mile<br />

former part <strong>of</strong> the fame day, five men and a half in a ftraight line, from the<br />

coming from Road-IJIand, to look up fcene <strong>of</strong> this fkirmifh to the point acr<strong>of</strong>s<br />

their Cattle upon Pocajfet Neck, were the water where their friends were.<br />


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