The history of King Philip's War

The history of King Philip's War

The history of King Philip's War


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[34]<br />

ing <strong>of</strong> Hurtle-Berries, and that they had no apprehenfions<br />

<strong>of</strong> their being fo near them; <strong>The</strong> Captain fupp<strong>of</strong>ed them<br />

to be chiefly Women, and therefore calling one Mr. Dil-<br />

/ano, 2*3 who was acquainted with the ground, and the<br />

Indian Language, and another named Mr. Barns ;m with<br />

thefe two Men he takes right thro' the Swamp as faft as<br />

he could, and orders the reft to haften after them. Capt.<br />

248 I think this was Jonathan Delano<br />

(DeJLauney, DeLa JVoye, Delanoy, Dal-<br />

lanoy, Dellano, Delanoe), fon <strong>of</strong> Philip,<br />

who came in the Fortune, in 162 1, and<br />

was one <strong>of</strong> the firft fettlers <strong>of</strong> Duxbury.<br />

Jonathan was born in 1648, and was<br />

confequently near 28 years <strong>of</strong> age at<br />

this time. He married, 26 Feb., 1678,<br />

Mercy, daughter <strong>of</strong> Nathaniel <strong>War</strong>ren,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Plymouth, and had eleven children.<br />

He became one <strong>of</strong> the early fettlers <strong>of</strong><br />

Dartmouth (probably in his father's<br />

right <strong>of</strong> one lhare among the 36 original<br />

proprietors, in 1652), which would<br />

account for his being " acquainted with<br />

the ground." He was " commiffion-<br />

ated " lieutenant (as I judge for his<br />

military experience in this war), 20<br />

May, 1690; was conftable, town clerk,<br />

surveyor, selectman, and, in 16S9, deputy<br />

from Dartmouth. He died 28 Dec,<br />

1720; and his graveftone ftill remains<br />

in the old Acufhnet burying-ground.<br />

[Winfor's Duxbury, 251<br />

; Ricketfon's<br />

Neiv Bedford, 208, 386 ; Savage's Gen.<br />

Did. ii : 34.]<br />

244 <strong>The</strong> clew to identification here is<br />

flight ; but Church's Englilh foldiers<br />

on this expedition, were likelieft to be<br />

and the<br />

<strong>of</strong> Plymouth and its vicinity ;<br />

Barnes known to me as beft fulfilling<br />

114<br />

this and other natural conditions, is<br />

Jonathan, fecond fon <strong>of</strong> John, <strong>of</strong> Plymouth,<br />

1632 (probably <strong>of</strong> Yarmouth,<br />

1639), who married Mary Plummer.<br />

Jonathan was born 3 June, 1643, anc *<br />

was, confequently, at this time, a little<br />

more than 33 years <strong>of</strong> age. In March,<br />

1664-5, with his father, he had a controverfy<br />

with Mr. Maherlhalalhafhbaz<br />

(an extraordinary chriftening borrowed<br />

from Isa. viii : 1.) Dyer, <strong>of</strong> Newport,<br />

R.-L, in regard to a floop; in which<br />

he got the worft <strong>of</strong> it, to the amount<br />

<strong>of</strong> £13 and his own c<strong>of</strong>ts. He married,<br />

4 Jan., 1665, Elizabeth, daughter<br />

<strong>of</strong> William Hedge, <strong>of</strong> Yarmouth,<br />

and had eleven children. 29 Oc5t.,<br />

1671, he was appointed, with the<br />

widow, adminiftrator on his father's<br />

eftate ; 3 June, 1673, the Court gave<br />

him, with another, liberty to act as<br />

guardian <strong>of</strong> the children <strong>of</strong> his fifter Mary,<br />

who had married Robert Marfhall<br />

in 1677 he was conftable <strong>of</strong> Plymouth<br />

in 1679 and 16S4 he ferved on coroner's<br />

juries, and in 1667, 1672, 16S1, 16S4,<br />

and 1685, on trial juries. [Savage's<br />

Gen. Did. i : 1 21 ; Plym. Col. Rec. v:<br />

81, 216, 231; vi : 8, 14S; vii : 121, 136,<br />

172, 242, 243, 2S5, 298; viii: 31; Freeman's<br />

Hist. Cape Cod, ii : 16, 1S6.]<br />


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