The history of King Philip's War

The history of King Philip's War

The history of King Philip's War


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[ 44 ]<br />

Bullet thro' his heart, and another not above two inches<br />

from it; he fell upon his face in the Mud & Water with<br />

his Gun under him. By this time the Enemy perceived<br />

they were way laid on the eaft fide <strong>of</strong> the Swamp, tack'd<br />

fhort about. One <strong>of</strong> the Enemy who feem'd to be a great<br />

furly old fellow, hollow'd with a loud voice, & <strong>of</strong>ten called<br />

out, iootaJJi, iootaJJi Capt. Church called to his Indian<br />

the latter two might appear to fay it.<br />

A careful examination <strong>of</strong> their words<br />

ftiows that they only affert that Philip<br />

was flain by one <strong>of</strong> his own race, who<br />

had kept himfelf neutral until now;<br />

and fpeak <strong>of</strong> his killer as an Indian,<br />

rather than the Indian, to whom they<br />

had before referred. It feems to me<br />

more natural if Alderman had been his<br />

informant and guide, that Church<br />

fhould have mentioned the remarkable<br />

fact distinctly, when defcribing his<br />

agency in the death <strong>of</strong> the chieftain.<br />

Hutchinfon appears to be refponfible<br />

for the firft ftatement abfolutely identi-<br />

fying the pilot with the flayer; faying<br />

[Hift. Mafs. i : 277], " One <strong>of</strong> his own<br />

men, whom he had <strong>of</strong>fended, and who<br />

had deferted to the Englifh, fhot him<br />

through the heart," which he might<br />

eafily bafe, by a mifapprehenfion, upon<br />

Hubbard and Mather. Trumbull [Hift.<br />

Conn, i : 349] repeats (probably from<br />

Hutchinfon) the ftatement: "<strong>The</strong> In-<br />

dian who had been guide to the party,<br />

fhot him through the heart." Drake,<br />

Thatcher, Fowler, Arnold, and others<br />

have followed Trumbull. Jones's letter<br />

to Gov. Leet, publifhed by Mr. Trumbull<br />

[Col. Rec. Conn, ii : 470],<br />

is probably<br />

the frelheft document bearing on the<br />

140<br />

queftion ; and his language naturally<br />

implies a diftinction in his mind between<br />

the guide and the killer.<br />

Hubbard [Narrative, 106] fays Alderman<br />

was "<strong>of</strong> Sakonet." But Mather<br />

[Brief Hijl. 47] with more particular-<br />

ity adds, " the Indian who thus killed<br />

Philip, did formerly belong to the<br />

Squaw-Sachim <strong>of</strong> Pocajfet ( Weeta-<br />

moe), being known by the name <strong>of</strong><br />

Alderman. In the beginning <strong>of</strong> the<br />

war, he came to the Governor <strong>of</strong> Plymouth,<br />

manifefting his defire to be at<br />

peace with the Englijh, and immediately<br />

withdrew to an Ifland, not having<br />

engaged againft the EngliJJi nor for<br />

them, before this time." I find no confirmation<br />

<strong>of</strong> this ftatement on the Court<br />

Records.<br />

310 Iootajk is a verb in the imperative,<br />

2d perfon, fingular, and means<br />

" Fight ! " Eliot would have written<br />

AycutcaJJi. He has Ayeuteak, for the<br />

plural "fight ye," (in 1 Sam. iv : 9.)<br />

Roger Williams fpells this laft [Key,<br />

chap, xxix] " Juhetteke, Fight, which<br />

is their word <strong>of</strong> incouragement which<br />

they ufe when they animate each other<br />

in warre ; for they ufe their tongues in<br />

ftead <strong>of</strong> drummes and trumpets." [R.-<br />

I. Ilijl. Coll. i : 148.]

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